Archive for August 2018

Room for improvement?

August 31, 2018

Yeah, Stanford had an opening night crowd at kickoff that would have embarrassed the Oakland As.
But seriously, what do you expect when you sell your soul for TV rights and the first game is against San Diego State, three weeks before classes start, and at 6p on the Friday of Labor Day weekendcrowd.jpg



So is Aramis Garcia one of the power hitters SF Giant fans have been dreaming about? Or is this just another AAA game but against the Mets?

And who knew the SF Giants offense was capable of scoring a touchdown?

Urban Meyer says he “did not condone domestic violence” or “lie to reporters” but “my fault was in not taking action sooner against a troubled employee about his work-related issues.” So how long until Meyer leaves coaching to run for office?

JetBlue raised their first checked bag fee to $30 on Wednesday. Today United changed their fee to $30 effective immediately.
So congratulations to all those who had “48 hours” in the pool.

So the “sniveling coward” Donald Trump who is “worse than Hillary” has endorsed “Lyin’ Ted” Cruz, whose dad killed JFK. Ain’t politics grand?

Some questioning why Trump’s poll numbers haven’t fallen more in a week with Manafort verdict & story of Cohen flipping. One reason, Fox News watchers probably haven’t heard either story.

So let’s see, this week  Trump has angered veterans over his disrespect for John McCain, and over 2 million federal workers with a wage freeze. Good thing he doesn’t need either group to be re-elected…..

Open note to Donald Trump, if you’re going to be upset about “off the record” insults to Canada being leaked maybe you should stop tweeting on an unsecured cellphone.

Trump cranky about his leaked “off the record” comments – but “at least Canada knows where I stand.”

Right, they shouldn’t have leaked that I acted like a petulant child but I am doubling down on my tantrum.

Bye Cutch

August 30, 2018

Really like Andrew McCutchen and have enjoyed watching him play. But couldn’t SF Giants have traded him to a team Giants fans could tolerate?   #DamnYankees

Now Trump is saying actual tapes that everyone has seen (but he doesn’t like) are “fudged.”

As an SF Giants fan can we be Presidential and say all those game tapes blown saves and 1 run losses this year were fudged and the team is on their way to clinching the NL West?

Now 145 former Ohio State students have come forward to accuse late sports doctor Richard Strauss of sexual abuse, the abuse Jim Jordan now denies knowing about. So another “he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he…. said” situation

Must be killing Donald Trump that even Fox News is devoting the morning to John McCain’s funeral.

As crazy as Betsy Devos’ idea to spend school money to arm teachers sounds, suppose with enough guns teachers can get all the school supplies they want.

I remember days when Phyllis Schlafly was biggest traitor to her gender we could imagine. Now Betsy Devos’s new rules for sexual violence investigations on campus “Every complainant’s sexual history, if relevant. may be introduced at the hearing…” ?

Trump today cancels pay raises for most federal employees set to take effect in January, citing budget concerns.
Got to pay for those billionaire tax cuts somehow.

Not only did Trump at his Indiana rally say “Democrats want to raid Medicare to pay for Socialism,”  but Breitbart doubled down on it by making the statement a headline

And here Trump complains Democrats claim his supporters are stupid – he’s the one acting like they are.

So if the US economy has never been better why does Trump need to cancel pay raises for federal employees because our budget cannot afford it?
Asking for a country.

Trump bragging today about 401k’s and stock market. Wasn’t one of reasons MAGAers said they voted for him is that all the economic gains were going to the elites – ie stockholders?

The sound of one hand clapping?

August 30, 2018

Miami Marlins will allow noisemakers in designated section of Marlins Park next year. Apparently they want to make 300 fans sound like 30,000?


Packers signed Aaron Rodgers to 4-year, $134 million extension. In related news expect Green Bay to announce beer and brats can now be paid for with an interest-free loan.

Cleveland releases LB  Mychal Kendricks after he was charged for insider trading over making over  $1 million in illegal investments in 2014.  Well, at least Kendricks didn’t do something obvious like betting against the Browns.

Betsy Devos wants to use federal funds to arm teachers in schools, which means taking the money from things like school supplies. On the other hand, with enough guns, maybe teachers can demand all the pencils they want.


Ted Cruz must be getting scared, Texas GOP running an ad referencing a DUI arrest Beto O’Rourke got over 20 years ago.
But considering George W. Bush and Cheney had 3 such arrests between them, maybe Republicans are trying to say O’Rourke is Presidential material.

So who’s going to be one to break it to Donald Trump that Republicans generally win Republican primaries?

Meanwhile, in Arizona,  over 140,000 people STILL voted for Kelli Ward, and over 94,000 voted for Joe Arpaio. Hillary was right about deplorables.


Another example of why we need more women in politics: Gwen Graham, on the night she was upset in Florida primary by Andrew Gillum, congratulated him immediately and added “‘Now, Andrew, go out and win this damned thing.”

Got to love how Donald Trump tweets out a false statement about Hillary Clinton’s emails being hacked by China, on an unsecured cellphone.

Have to wonder how much of this week’s tweet storm is Trump realizing he will never be loved by Americans 1% as much as John McCain?

ICE agents detailed 160 allegedly undocumented workers after a surprise raid at Load Trail Trailers in Texas, but no “criminal arrests” were made.
Uh, why not? If Feds REALLY wanted to stop businesses hiring illegals, lock the executives up.

Can’t go home again?

August 28, 2018

Johnny Manziel now saying when he got to Cleveland I was like, ‘Can I go back to college?’
And soon Browns fans thought the same thing.

USA Today has college BOWL projections out today. And we thought Pumpkin Spice Lattes in August were jumping the gun.

SF Giants these days are doing a great impersonation of a really good baseball team.  Either that or the lousy act went on a little longer than intended.

Another day, another airline travel waiver for severe weather in Chicago. As a travel agent, can’t wait for winter and better weather.

Elon Musk has been acting so crazy lately you almost have to wonder if he’s considering a Presidential Exploratory Committee.

Catholic Charities of Buffalo is shutting down adoption services because state of NY says they cannot refuse to place children with same-sex couples.  Guess they think better the children should be looked after by priests?

Al Gore – “I invented the internet.”

Donald Trump- “I am trying to eliminate the internet.”

The real reason Donald Trump is mad at Google?. He probably figured out he’s a lot less popular than most cat videos.

Anyone remember that old party game Twister? The modern version is Trump apologists trying to explain how every insane thing he says or does is part of a rational plan.


Trump apparently in talking to Shinzo Abe told Japanese PM
“I remember Pearl Harbor.”
No wonder the aging President, born in 1946, hates Google. It tells people the date of Pearl Harbor.

What’s next, we’re going to hear that Trump told Angela Merkel he remembers when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? #AnimalHouse

Trump ranting today about Google. Wait until someone tells him both Kim Kardashian and Barack Obama have more Twitter followers than he does.


Whatever you do now don’t google “Imbecile.” It would really upset Trump.

But okay fellow Democrats, to make sure that happens in November we HAVE to get over “I’m not voting for ‘anyone endorsed by Hillary, Bernie or fill in the blank’ for whoever failed your purity test.”

No relief

August 27, 2018

Angels and Rockies combined for NINE runs in the 8th inning Monday night. The shocking part, it wasn’t at Coors Field.

You know it’s been a rough year when the Baltimore Orioles and Kansas City Royals have both been eliminated from the playoffs.  And it’s only August.

Larry Fitzgerald, who will speak at John McCain’s funeral, on the Arizona Cardinals deciding to lock arms in the end zone during the anthem last year. “Everybody has a different opinion. You get 60 guys from different religions, different backgrounds, different races together, there’s going to be some differences of opinion. But the thing I liked about it is we were able to stick together as a unit, and that’s what it’s about.”
If anyone had doubts why Senator McCain wanted a football player at his funeral instead of the President of the United States.

A man who can’t figure out that flag should be at half-staff for a war-hero Senator is not someone who should be lecturing athletes on the anthem. Period.

Whatever you can say against Hillary Clinton, it’s pretty certain as President she would have lowered the White House flag immediately for John McCain, as well as issuing a gracious statement.

Too soon to start a pool on when the alleged deal between the U.S. and Mexico will collapse? “Who knew trade could be so complicated?”

I refuse to believe an actual deal with Mexico has been reached until I see the commemorative coins.

Vanity Fair reports White House counsel Don McGahn thinks pardoning Manafort is a bad idea, so Trump might hire a new lawyer. At this point, who’d take the job?

Safeway has Halloween candy, Starbucks is bringing back “Pumpkin Spice Latte” tomorrow. It’s AUGUST.
Can we blame Trump?

So Fox News, which devoted their front page for days to the murder of a young woman in Iowa, seems to have no concept of the fact that two young men were murdered in a mass shooting yesterday in Florida.
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

Uh,  Marco Rubio.  About Florida’s latest mass shooting –  “The Baltimore native, who used two legally purchased handguns, had a history of mental illness, authorities announced during a press conference Monday.”

Melania Trump in a fundraising email “Democrats and the opposition media are doing everything they possibly can to discredit Donald with false accusations by spreading their fake news and making it appear that he does not have the support of America’s voters.”
Hmm, guessing at least she didn’t plagiarize this one from Michelle Obama.

Changing seasons.

August 26, 2018

Three games into the NFL pre-season. Have the Browns been officially eliminated yet?


Tiger Woods had a bad day putting. Guess it would be childish to make jokes about Tiger no longer finding it so easy to put in the holes.

SF Giants, along with the NY Mets, are having disappointing seasons.  On the other hand, the Baltimore Orioles will just miss losing their 100th game of the year… in August.


Congratulations to Hawaii for winning the Little League World Series. Waiting for Trump to tweet next year he hopes winner is an US team.

Neil Simon “I can’t think of a humorous situation that does not involve some pain. I used to ask “What is a funny situation?” Now I ask “What is a sad situation and how can I tell it humorously?  R.I.P.


That moment when a President of a Foreign country, in his second language, far outclasses our US President. Tweet from Emmanuel Macron  “John McCain was a true American hero. He devoted his entire life to his country. His voice will be missed. Our respectful thoughts go to his beloved ones.”


One young woman killed by an immigrant and Trump rants about the border and his wall. Multiple people killed by a man who lost a video game tournament and crickets…


Admittedly, girls, young women, and grown women can be nasty.   But we don’t tend to shoot a bunch of people when we don’t get our way.

On other hand, showing that no party has a monopoly on mean and stupid,  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posts a nice tribute to John McCain and  many of her most liberal supporters immediately attack her because of bad things he did in his life. This is why we can’t have nice things.

This would, however, be a time for Marco Rubio or another GOP senator praising John McCain to have a maverick moment and actually introduce some reasonable gun control legislation.


Or Lindsay Graham “I had always viewed him as indestructible. It never crossed my mind that there would be political life without John McCain, until now.” Well, how about honoring him by remembering where you put your spine?

Losing a lion

August 25, 2018

We knew it was coming, but still, too soon. RIP John McCain.


A great way for one of John McCain’s GOP colleagues to honor him would be trying to emulate him some time by putting country over party.

Even Fox News loved John McCain more than they will ever love Donald Trump.

Susan Collins said John McCain’s death meant we have “lost the last lion.”  Perhaps it is time to look to the lionesses.

Hawaii will play South Korea for the Little League World Series Championship. Waiting for hard-core MAGAers to protest that there’s no US team involved.

Urban Meyer’s lawyer said the Buckeyes football coach “fell on the sword” in accepting Ohio State’s “punishment.”
Uh, please, a three-game suspension where only conference game is vs. Rutgers? More like fell on a semi-sharp pencil.

Urban Meyer Friday “Let me say here and now what I should have said on Wednesday: I sincerely apologize to Courtney Smith and her children for what they have gone through,”
Translation, someone heard from his wife or lawyer.

Does anyone doubt that if the Buckeyes were a .500 football team, Urban Meyer would have been fired weeks ago?

Apparently Maryland AD Kevin Anderson used department money to hire a lawyer for two football-players accused of sexual misconduct.
Ah, for the days that the Terps were only embarrassing on the field….

Does GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter, who just threw his wife under the bus by blaming her for his misuse of campaign funds, realize women have the right to vote?


Three people shot, one fatally, at a Florida high school football game. Well, clearly all football fans need to be armed.

Mike Pence has been so invisible lately you figure Dick Cheney must have given him the key to his undisclosed secret location.

“Donald Trump said he’d run into a school to face an armed killer. But he’s afraid to confront 5’4″ 71 year-old Jeff Sessions in person and needs to insult him on Twitter.”

Trump spoke at Ohio GOP fundraising dinner Friday night. Gov. John Kasich said he had a personal scheduling conflict and couldnt attend. So was he washing his hair or his truck?

You can tell GOP is seriously worried about Duncan Hunter’s seat. Fox News headline “Grandson of Munich terrorist rises in race against indicted Rep. Hunter, disavows dark family past.”

Ammar Campa-Najjar’s grandfather died 16 years before he was born.

So as Donald Trump becomes increasing unhinged about this #WitchHunt, how long until he unleashes the flying monkeys?

Too many characters?

August 23, 2018

Now it’s the White Sox’s Michael Kopech apologizing for racist homophobic teenage tweets. Think Jon Lester has it right – “…scrub your account of anything you wouldn’t want plastered next to your face on front page of newspaper. Better yet, don’t say stupid things in the first place.”

And didn’t we all have the reeling SF Giants managing to beat Jacob deGrom?

According to ESPN “upon learning about accusations made by Courtney Smith… Urban Meyer and a fellow football staffer discussed how to adjust settings on Meyer’s phone so that text messages more than a year old would be deleted.”

Maybe Kathy Bates was right “foosball is da devil.”


Just for the heck of it – the Who’s Roger Daltrey, interviewed last week & talking about his avoidance of hard drugs. “All I ever did was pot. I was f*cking boring. You try getting three people on acid from the Monterey Pop Festival to London.”

Rudy Giuliani said the American people would “revolt” if Trump is impeached. Only the revolting ones.

Duncan Hunter spent $600 of campaign funds on an airline ticket for a rabbit? Forget representing his constituents, the man isn’t even smart enough to find a decent travel agent.

It has been over a month & Donald Trump hasn’t mentioned another incredible young woman murdered in July #NiaWilson
Wonder why?

GOP Sen. Ben Sasse says he warned “Trump that firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions “would be a very, very, very bad idea.”
And what if Trump does it anyway? Sasse will be “very very” troubled?

Lindsay Graham, who in 2017 said if Trump fired Sessions “there will be holy hell to pay.” now says “The president’s entitled to an attorney general he has faith in…” Forget coal, we could power much of the US with wind power from spinning Republicans.

What times we live in when a President can’t even rely on his Pecker.


As Trump tweets late night again with a false brag about his election, who knew that 3am phone call POTUS would be ready for would be from Vladimir Putin or Sean Hannity?

We are all Wolverines fans

August 23, 2018

Ohio State suspended Urban Meyer for games against Oregon State, Rutgers and #16 TCU. Means one thing, Buckeyes think TCU is overrated.
You do have to wonder, why didn’t Ohio State suspend Urban Meyer for four games? Game four is in Columbus, against that powerhouse Tulane.

Four games for covering up an assistant coach’s domestic violence. But hey, it’s not like Meyer would ever protect a murderer…. .  Oops, sorry, never mind.

Cleveland Browns assistant coach Bob Wylie, not into modern training ideas, on “Hard Knocks”: “We won two World Wars without stretching.”
But seriously, how can a Browns head coach claim to be an expert on anything involving winning.

“Redneck Woman” country singer Gretchen Wilson was arrested for causing a disturbance on an airplane. Well, if nothing else she should be able to get a new song out of the incident .

If it had come out President Hillary Clinton had directed her lawyer to pay off one of Bill’s ex-mistresses with campaign funds just before election, am sure GOP would shrug it off….

We really shouldn’t already be politicizing a young woman’s death. But since Trump started immediately… the alleged undocumented killer of Mollie Tibbetts apparently was working (illegally) for 4 years on Iowa farm owned by GOP politician. Making the employer an accessory to murder. #LockHimUp

Sarah Sanders ends her opening statement by expressing condolences to the Tibbetts family. “Sadly, the individual believed to be responsible for the murder is an illegal immigrant.”

She forgot to add, “Sadly, the individual who illegal employed her alleged killer for four years is a Republican who ran for Secretary of Agriculture in the state.”

Wonder why we’ve never heard Trump say that Nia Wilson was an incredible young woman?

Did Shakespeare imagine Michael Cohen? To paraphrase “Nothing in his life (covering for Trump) so became him as the leaving of it.”

Someday we’ll tell our grandchildren about 2018, the year that a President of the United States gave a porn star and some sleazy lawyers the moral high ground.

Trump continues to ignore Stephen Tyler’s request to stop playing “Living on the Edge” & “Dream On” at his rallies. Maybe people could start playing another Aerosmith song for him – “Hole in my Soul.”

Didn’t August used to be a slow news time?

August 21, 2018

If Hillary Clinton had won election would that mean Manafort, Cohen etc, could have lived out their guilty lives in peace?


This seems like a good day to remind Americans that Manafort was the one who pushed Trump to chose Mike Pence as his running mate.

Donald Trump absolutely humiliated Michael Cohen at his son’s bar mitzvah, showing up late and saying his lawyer had “begged” him to come. Who’d a thunk such presidential behavior might not engender loyalty?

Looking like it’s the payments to mistresses that result in Michael Cohen’s guilty plea, at the same time Omarosa releases tapes and videos. Cherchez la femme!

Dear SNL. Any way you guys can come off summer hiatus early for a short show at least featuring a cold open this weekend?

In addition, the Daily Show is on vacation until Sept 4. Well, yeah, because nothing important ever happens in August.

But open note to any political reporters on vacation this week. Vacation’s over

Well hey, don’t all Republicans donate to their Congressman so he can spend a quarter of a million dollars on vacations?

Median income in California’s 50th congressional district $61,533. Rep. Duncan Hunter’s salary $174,000, plus expenses and benefits. And he needed to spend $250,000 of campaign funds on family vacations….

Two women today were proved in court to be telling the truth. At least 16 other women have accused Trump of sexual assault. Just saying.


So sad about Mollie Tibbets. But Nia Wilson was a beautiful girl too. So were Shanann Watts and her little girls. The value of your life shouldn’t depend on your skin color nor who kills you.


While Trump rails against illegal immigrants with the murder of Mollie Tibbits why isn’t he suggesting that any American who illegally hired her killer in the last several years be charged as an accomplice?

How could Americans possibly feel safe from crime in a country run by criminals?

Sports taking 2nd place tonight…

Per ESPN – Dodgers tonight didn’t score with runners on 2nd and 3rd and no outs .In last 2 games against Cardinals they are 3-for-19 with runners in scoring position with 20 LOB.
Who do they thinking they are, the SF Giants?

Caesar’s Palace Sports Book reports there are more bets on the Browns to win AFC North than the other three teams combined. Beam me up Scotty….

Crunch time

August 20, 2018

The Cactus Bowl has been rebranded the “Cheez-its” bowl. So now we are about 4 months away from hearing “This is for all the Cheez-its!”

There are baseball games that can turn casual observers into serious fans for life. Tonight’s SF Giants Mets matchup was NOT one of those games.

Winning rally in the 13th.  0-2 Single, errand pick-off throw, wild pitch, and dropped pop-up. In other words,  a 2018 SF Giants offensive explosion.


It just me or did SF Giants really have their 2018 season circle the drain when Pablo Sandoval got hurt?

AP Top 25 Preseason Poll is out and Ohio State is #5.
Even Pete Rose wouldn’t bet on Urban Meyer being fired.

Ohio State announced Board of Trustees will meet Wednesday to discuss Urban Meyer investigation. There will be no public documents. “No public documents.”

Because Urban Meyer can never ever be seen to be wrong.

Four Japanese basketball players were kicked off Asian Games team and sent home Monday after they were caught “spending the night in a hotel with women.” So did they have NBA ambitions?

Ted Cruz attacks Beto O’Rourke for not condemning NFL anthem protests. Somehow I missed Ted’s condemning food stamp cuts affecting veterans.

Melania Trump speaking out about cyber-bullying makes those days of joking about Laura Bush pushing literacy seem so quaint.


I’m about ready for the part in the Trump show where Americans wake up and say “Honey, you won’t believe the dream I just had.”

Latest Trump fundraising email “Never in my life have I seen the Democrats this angry. They’re hoping to turn their RAGE into votes and seize control of our majority.” Well, he’s more right than usual.

So which band is going to be first to copyright the name ?

Tonight Trump attacked counter-terrorism analyst Phil Mudd, a former intelligent agent for 25 years, saying “he is in no mental condition to have such a Clearance. Should be REVOKED? Projection much?

Question, if  Trump can’t learn difference between “Councel” & “Counsel” how does he expect us to believe he could learn about stuff like foreign policy & the economy?

Asking for a country.

Down the rabbit hole

August 19, 2018


A man faces up to life in prison after being convicted of sexually assaulting a sleeping woman on a Spirit Airlines flight.
Worse, he could be sentenced to a lifetime of flying Spirit Airlines.

Who said it better?
“Truth isn’t truth.” -Rudy Giuliani
“I’m not crazy, my reality is just different than yours.” the Cheshire Cat.

Next year canSF Giants just skip road visit to Cincinnati, forfeit all three games; save wear and tear on their bodies and egos.

Could be worse. SF Giants could have played a road series at Little League World Series. Guessing one of the kids could have tossed at least 4 shut out innings against them.

Not biased because I am NOT an Athletics fan.  But if Oakland knocks Houston out of the AL West title,  maybe mean bitch karma really didn’t like Astros signing Osuna?

Might be the most Ryanair story ever.  A passenger tweeted “Our flight to Krakow hasn’t taken off yet because a man dressed as Tinkerbell has threatened to cut everybody up.” Airline confirmed drunk and “unruly Tinkerbell” removed from flight.

Interesting that the President who screams “McCarthyism” had McCarthy’s chief counsel, Roy Cohn, for a lawyer.

Former DNI James Clapper says “Brennan’s rhetoric is becoming an issue in and of itself.” Would someone please ask him what he thinks of Trump’s rhetoric?

Georgia GOP state Sen. Michael Williams, who is white, said today “it is “always wrong to use that (N) word,” but that Trump, as President, has not used that word.
To quote Pete Rose “Wanna bet?”

“Mainstream Media” enabled and normalized Trump, now he’s trying to destroy them. You’d think accordingly they’d have more sympathy sometimes for women in abusive relationships.

Trump won’t endorse in AZ Senate primary between Martha McSally. Kelli Ward, and Joe Arpaio. Not because he can’t decide, but because he has to claim victory… and doesn’t know who will win.

Looking forward to SNL return next month. So we can once again ask when watching something crazy with Trump – “Is it real, or is it the cold open?

Oh say can you see?

August 17, 2018

ESPN president Jimmy Pitaro said today that network has not regularly televised the national anthem during Monday Night Football and does not plan to start this season.
Disappointing probably only fans who used the time for convenient kitchen or bathroom breaks.

Of course, if Trump or his supporters feel THAT strongly, they could buy up commercial time during the pre-game, and use it to show the National Anthem, unedited and without ads interrupting it…..

SF’s rookie star pitcher Dereck Rodriguez on DL with strained hamstring sustained in Dodgers-Giants brawl when Puig went after Hundley. To quote Bull Durham’s Annie Savoy “Don’t be such GUYS.”

University of Alabama is going to spend about $300 million to upgrade their football stadium. Only about 5% of the state’s public school budget for a year.


Elon Musk has gone so nuts on Twitter have to expect he’ll soon be launching a Presidential Exploratory Committee.

Estimates for Trump’s now “postponed” parade had gone up to $92 million from original $12 million estimate -due to expenses for aircraft, equipment, personnel and security, not charges from city of D.C. In other words, Trump lied.

Trump says of cancelled $92 million military parade “Now we can buy some more jet fighters!” Uh, I’m no expert but per Google says F-22s cost “$339 million per plane. Incremental cost for additional F-22 estimated about $138 million in 2009.”

But hey, it will cover more golf weekends.

Judge & jury in Manafort trial have received threats, President of the United States calls the defendant a “very good person” & says trial “very said.” That moment when a Grisham thriller novel seems more plausible than reality.

Now Omarosa may have video as well as tapes. Who’d a thunk when you hire a reality-show villain, then fire and trash her, she’d behave like a reality-show villain?

A bipartisan group of 12 former intelligence officials released a statement on “the ill-considered and unprecedented remarks and actions by the White House regarding the removal of John Brennan’s security clearances.”
How long until Trump declares “intelligence is over-rated?”

Missing the queen

August 16, 2018

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. RIP Aretha Franklin.

Aretha Franklin was not only an amazing talent, she was a gracious, classy lady. And when asked if she would perform for Trump inaugural, as she did for Obama’s, her response was “That’s a very good question. “We’ll see” Aretha for “Bless his heart?”


Someday when we look up “narcissist” in the dictionary, there might be this example. Donald Trump today on Aretha Franklin-
– “I want to begin today by expressing my condolences to the family of a person I knew well. She worked for me on numerous occasions.”

Mets scored 24 in beating the Phillies. So New York won’t be a playoff team. Now they’re just looking to score more than the Jets?

The film “Grease” celebrated its 40th anniversary with a special screening in Los Angeles. Now it’s “You’re the one that I want…if I could only remember your name.”
No injuries but two damaged aircraft when two United Airlines planes clipped wings at O’Hare last night. Standby for a new “accident avoidance” fee.

London’s City Airport is offering a number of free “dumb phones” to passengers going on vacation who want to detox from their Androids and iPhones. The phones can be used ONLY to make and receive calls.
Many of the younger generation is going “What’s a call?”

Omarosa claims that Ivanka Trump was really upset about SNL’s “complicit” sketch about her last year.  Womp womp.

And let’s see, SNL back in about 6 weeks….. should be plenty of time to do a whole “complicit” ad series.


The commander of U.S. Joint Special Operations Command who oversaw the 2011 Navy Seal raid that killed Osama bin Laden has written a scathing op-ed suggesting that Trump take away his security clearance too.

“Killing Bin-Laden over-rated” tweets in 3.2.1..


But seriously, if someone saw  knew nothing about Donald Trump and saw today’s tweet storm they would have a three word reaction “Off his meds.”

A matter of taste.

August 15, 2018

USA Today headline “Bud Light’s promotion for first Browns win a tasteless idea.”

Does “tasteless” refer to mocking the team? Or the beer?

Just guessing both Giants and Dodgers fans are glad that Madison Bumgarner isn’t pitching tonight against Yasiel Puig.

Inspired by a joke from my friend Argus Hamilton about Trump killing Nicole Brown Simpson.   –

Don’t give Donald Trump any ideas – he needs someone black in the White House, and OJ isn’t doing anything.

Apparently Blue Lives Matter claims they don’t want to partner with the Jets over anthem protests, even though no NY Jets player has protested the anthem.

Maybe it’s just an excuse to avoid having to watch Jets games

I’m waiting for some so-called patriotic/first responder  group to refuse to partner with an NFL team over the team signing domestic violence abusers.

Someone in Georgia apparently stole a trailer-truck said to contain nearly $100,000 in packaged ramen noodles.   Uh, given the prices, and sale prices of packaged ramen, just how big was that truck?



Because airline insanity is so diverting.

Roundtrip lowest business class fare on United nonstop from San Francisco to Osaka is about $8300. From Los Angeles about $6000. VIA San Francisco. So if someone flies SF-LA-SF-Osaka-SF-LA-SF even with the useless roundtrips on each end they’ll save about $2000. And airlines wonder why we hate them.

Anyone else getting REALLY tired of this season of “Presidential Apprentice?”


Regarding the John Brennan situation, if “erratic” behavior & lack of “credibility” is reason to revoke someone’s security clearance who’s going to break the bad news to Donald Trump?

Fundraising email from Mike Pence “I’d love to meet you — and a guest of your choice — at a dinner I’m hosting in Houston, Texas. We’ll even get our picture taken together to share with family and friends.”

Wait, did he ask Mother?

Give Donald Trump credit. Who else could give both a porn star and a reality show villain the moral high ground?

Rhetorical but serious question – is there ANYONE who disagrees with Trump who he actually respects? (Ivanka doesn’t count. #complicit )

Past dated?

August 14, 2018

Bud Light will be giving out free beer at 10 Cleveland-area bars when the Browns win their first regular-season game. Prompting the obvious question – so how long can beer age?

After throwing a few punches at SF Giants’ Nick Hundley, LA Dodgers’ Yasiel Puig was ejected and will probably be suspended.   On a brighter note, he might have drawn some interest from the Chargers.

Due to rule technicalities, Robinson Cano, returning from a 90-game PED suspension, is ineligible for any playoff games, while  Roberto Osuna, returning from a  75-game domestic violence suspension, IS eligible…   So if Cano had only beaten his girlfriend instead of taking PED’s he could play in the postseason. Is this really how MLB wants to compete with the NFL?

Okay folks, the challenge is on for “buzz” on this one. From my friend the very funny Hartley Miller – “An umpire working a NY Yankees-Chicago White Sox game briefly stopped the contest in the 9th inning to have a live bug pulled from his ear. Afterwards, the ump signaled the infield fly rule.”

Omarosa and Sean Spicer’s books aren’t selling very well. Makes sense, Trumpsters don’t want to hear anything against their hero, and Trump haters who want to read outrageous things just have to follow his tweets.

New Quinnipiac poll showed 51% of GOP agreed with Trump that the media is the “enemy of the people” line.
Wonder how many of them realize that Fox News IS media?

In South Lake Tahoe, a deputy had to shoot out a back window of a Honda Civic to free a bear who had gotten into the car and was unable to get out.

But haven’t we all had problems with those child-proof locks?

And at least the bear wasn’t armed.

Air traffic delays averaging well over an hour at many airports across the country…. Boston, New York Area, San Francisco….
Can’t wait for winter when we’ll have fewer flight delays… #WTF?

Florida GOP congressional candidate Melissa Howard “It was not my intent to deceive or mislead anyone. I made a mistake in saying that I completed my degree.”
Right, and the fake diploma she posted a picture with was an art project?#WTF?

At least Donald Trump didn’t accuse Omarosa of having a “perfect smoky eye.”

As we parse Trump’s Omarosa “dog” insult, remember all the media outrage when Barack Obama simply said to Hillary Clinton “You’re likeable enough?”


Six firefighters have died battling California wildfires. And only comments from POTUS are blaming the fires on fake water issues…..

While you were sleeping.

August 13, 2018

Translation, any late West Coast game on the East Coast.

Silver lining for Los Angeles  with a SF Giants comeback win from 2-1 in the ninth to win 5-2 – at least few Dodgers fans were still in the stadium to see it.


On National Left Handers day, who’d a guessed the lefty who walked off the mound with the biggest smile at Dodger Stadium was not Madison Bumgarner or Clayton Kershaw but SF Giants closer Will Smith.

LA Dodgers have had four straight blown saves.  “I feel so sorry for them” says no one in Northern California.

Carmelo Anthony signing a one year deal with the Houston Rockets. Great news… for the Warriors, Lakers and Spurs.


So if anti-Trump tweets and comments before the 2016 election are a firing offense, when is Trump going to try to fire half at least half of the GOP Congress?

According to Trump, Brooks Koepka wins “not only with his powerful game, but with his powerful mind.” Gosh, wonder why Trump doesn’t talk about other athletes. even those he “likes” -Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan – having powerful minds? ”

Interior Secretary Zinke, blaming California Wildfires on environmentalists “This has nothing to do with climate change. This has to do with active forest management.” Translation, if you let us cut the forests all down for profit we’ll have fewer fires.

Trump goes after Kasich this morning but doesn’t insult his intelligence like Lebron James, Maxine Waters, Omarosa, Don Lemon…. I wonder why.

Amazing rants today about Omarosa by Donald Trump, making her sound truly awful. Hope he fires the person who hired her.

Trump speech today after signing the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act. – He rambles on indefinitely to praise himself, but not even MENTION McCain


I GUARANTEE that if Hillary Clinton as president were signing John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act, her speech would be nothing but praise for Senator McCain as an American hero who has spent his life in our country’s service.

Today, August 13, is the 57th anniversary of the construction of the Berlin Wall. And a reminder, when people are desperate to escape, walls don’t matter.

Somebody else’s problem

August 12, 2018

As SFGiants fan it’s strangely cathartic on Sunday Night Baseball to watch someone ELSE’s bullpen melt down for a change.  #cubs #nationals

Both teams.

I guarantee, if you are a baseball fan, whatever you thought of Barry Bonds, you NEVER went to the restroom or refrigerator or concession stands during his at-bats.



SF 49ers now say there’s nothing they can do about the intense sun & heat faced by fans on east side of Levi’s Stadium. But they will lower the price of bottled water from $6 to $2 so fans can stay hydrated.
The NFL equivalent of “thoughts and prayers.”



Rep. Chris Collins, indicted on insider trading charges, has suspended his re-election campaign. One question – “Who’s next?”


Remembering Heather Heyer and sadly realizing that if she had been killed by a car driven by an undocumented immigrant Trump would have been eulogizing her regularly.

What is this fascination Trump has with some women he accuses? Today on Twitter – “Peter S, and his lover, the lovely Lisa Page; “Bruce Ohr, and his beautiful wife, Nelly.”
Almost like you’d think Donald was a sex offender or something.

Gentlemen (and ladies) you cannot create a situation here. This is the situation room.

GOP chairwoman Ronna McDaniel says Omarosa should be prosecuted for recording John Kelly in the Situation Room.
Uh, what about a President who calls and tweets on an un-secure phone?#Lockhimup?

Okay folks, what’s the over-under on how many of Trump administration have their own tapes?

Sarah Huckabee Sanders attacked Omarosa for a “lack of character and integrity.” Wait a minute, isn’t that why Trump hired her in the first place?




A kick away

August 10, 2018

Got it. 49ers hang on to beat the Steelers by a field goal at Candlestick Park tonight. 13-10. Oh wait, never mind.  #SFGiants #Pirates


In honor of retiring Barry Bonds’ number, SF Giants are giving out hats tomorrow with #25 on them. Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to hand out rubber chickens?


Give Trump credit, before this year almost nobody cared what the SCORES were for preseason football.  Let alone what players were doing during the anthem.

Here’s a solution for the NFL – just stop showing the anthem.on TV. More time for commercials and bathroom breaks.

Actually, until every billionaire NFL owner shuts the concession stands and locks the bathrooms during the anthem, Trump should STFU about it.

FDA has approved marketing for a smartphone app claiming to help prevent pregnancy.
Seems simple, spend enough time with smartphone apps and you won’t get close enough to another human to get pregnant.

Not sure about Alaska Airlines & #Seatac.  And it sounds like a story that could have been much sadder.  But many airlines to save money are now firing employees & using contract labor to save money on ground staff including those on tarmac. But hey, what could go wrong?

Though if a suicidal man is going to hijack a plane, glad he left the first part of the usual “murder-suicide” out of it.


Omarosa now says Trump repeatedly used “N-word” and other racial slurs. Is she trying to sell books, or boost Trump approval rates with MAGAers

But really, does Omarosa realize that for many Trump supporters racism is a feature, not a bug?

Do have to ask, as these tell-all books all relate what a horrible unstable racist Trump is, why did these people go to work for him in the first place?

Marco Rubio on Trump “Well, he’s had the nuclear codes for a year and a half, and we’ve been all right.”
This is like the guy who falls off the Empire State Building and at about the 20th floor is thinking “I’m gonna be all right.”

Not so fast balls.

August 9, 2018

Barry Zito threw out the first pitch tonight at AT&T Park. Zito looked in great form – his fastball can still rattle glass.

You know it’s a tough season for SF Giants when you find yourself cheering for breaking up perfect games with a walk.


Here’s a solution for the NFL. Stop televising the anthem.  And leave it to the fans  in the stands whether they want to stand at attention or rush for a bathroom or concession break.

A tourist gets drunk enough to angrily bang on on a car he thought was an Uber. Car owner, a Wake Forest assistant basketball coach, is mad enough to punch the guy – he falls and hits his head on the ground. Tourist now dead, coach arrested.
Sad proof again, that many of this world’s evils can be put down to testosterone poisoning.

Maybe the reason Trump felt the need to tweet “I like Mike” is he’s hoping to get Michael Jordan to run his Space Force.


Dallas Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway is resigning and has pleaded guilty to federal corruption charges over accepting $450,000 in bribes and kickbacks.
Resigning over bribes and kickbacks? Members of Trump administration are thinking “How quaint.”

Laura Ingraham complains “Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people. … Much of this is related to both illegal and in some cases legal immigration.”
She has a valid point if she’s talking about Native American people.

Ivanka and Jared are looking for permanent home in Washington, D.C. When they find it, before they move in trust they are planning to insulate with Russian asbestos.

So now that Trump is bringing back Russian asbestos, how long until he starts allowing Russian DDT?


A Kansas County Clerk confirmed Colyer received 522 votes on election day rather than 422 as reported by Kobach’s office & “said the secretary of state’s office was responsible for the discrepancy, not the county.” I’m sure it’s JUST a coincidence.


Trump tonight said his administration wants to ensure former inmates can find employment. Makes sense, after Trump leaves office what hope will many of Trump’s staff and cabinet have otherwise?