Archive for July 2018

And the hits just keep on coming.

July 30, 2018



So with Osuna traded to Astros & Chapman with Yankees, ALCS could come down to battle of two closers arrested for domestic violence.
This is NOT, perhaps, how MLB wanted to compete with football.

Top college basketball recruit DJ Jeffries is decommitting from Kentucky ” I am confident that taking my time to choose the right school for me to better myself educationally and athletically is the right choice.”
Right, because that time in college classrooms could be the best dozen hours of his life?

SF Giants Will Smith asked after getting out of of a jam in 11th and striking out side to get win in 12th how he deals with “the whole night riding on you getting that guy out? “You try your hardest to get them out.”
One of my new favorite Giants.

If Will Smith likes pitching in San Francisco he better hope that 4 strikeout performance came too late for the trade deadline.

Scariest thing about #JoshHader #SeanNewcomb and #TreaTurner stories involving homophobic and racist tweets when they were teenager; for all that they’ve apologized, the tweets make SOME Americans like them better.

Jeff Sessions announced #ReligiousLibertyTaskForce. It will protect the rights of all groups who follow HIS religion.

Trump administration today called for “free, fair, and transparent elections” in Nicaragua. Right, as long as they don’t try that same nonsense in the United States.

So if there was ‘no collusion” why would it matter if Rudy doesn’t “even know if that’s a crime — colluding with Russians.”
Such stable geniuses.

Sometimes have to wonder, is Rudy Guiliani really THAT stupid, or is Rudy just trying to get back at Trump for being elected President when he couldn’t?

Labor Department says consumer prices rose 2.9 percent in June from a year earlier, highest inflation in more than six years.
I missed the Trump tweet taking credit.


Who knew getting a Nobel Peace Prize could be so complicated? #northkorea

The tweet’s the thing

July 29, 2018

Now it’s Sean Newcomb, fresh off his near no-hitter, who’s been caught out with racist homophobic tweets when he was 18-19.
I suppose I get youthful stupidity, & learning tolerance. But wouldn’t you think at 25 he’d know enough to delete tweets?

Open note to young athletes. 1. Tolerance is a good thing. 2. If you haven’t learned that yet, keep it to yourself or at least off social media. #SeanNewcomb#JoshNader

Anyone social media savvy with time on their hands probably could name their price now to help young @MLB players scrub their Twitter accounts.


So after Rob Manfred says Mike Trout needs to market himself, Sunday Night Baseball July 22- Mets-Yankees rainout; July 29 – Cubs-Cardinals rain delay. Thinking mean bitch Karma just might be a Trout fan.

(At the moment, thunderstorms are only expected next Saturday in Boston, where Sunday Night’s next game will be played against the …surprise,  Yankees.)

Jose Altuve on DL for first time in his career with a knee injury. Did they diagnose him at Children’s Hospital?

(And I love Altuve, so I’m laughing with him not at him. How many superstars who aren’t jockeys can I be taller than in heels?)


Cowboys’ QB Dak Prescott says NFL anthem protests take away ‘from the joy and the love that football brings.” But hey, maybe the CTE will help players forget.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg says “I have at least five more years on the Supreme Court.”

You Go Girl.  Or as my friend Karen says “You STAY Girl.”

Wonder if FLOTUS “can watch any channel she likes”, if she watching MSNBC airing #AllThePresidentsMen Sunday night?


So why would any foreign government trust Trump to keep promises when he can’t even keep promise to keep conversation with @NYTimes off the record?

Trump says he tweets because media doesn’t report him honestly. But almost all his tweets are simply bragging and/or spewing hate.
“If someone tells you who they are, believe them.”

Not so new boys of summer

July 28, 2018

So after Rob Manfred says Mike Trout should market himself…. who’s on Saurday’s Fox Game of the Week? Cubs vs. Cardinals. Who’s on Sunday Night Baseball tomorrow? Cubs vs. Cardinals.


You know it’s getting bad for SF Giants fans when your goal for the night is less making up ground on Dodgers than jinxing the no-hitter.


Bruce Bochy took a red-eye flight tonight to New York for Trevor Hoffman’s Hall-of-Fame induction ceremony tomorrow.    Hope the flight stocked a LOT of his favorit red wine.

So far, this year’s MLB’s trade deadline is the most “rich get richer” that we’ve seen since GOP passed those tax cuts.


Reports now Donald  Trump wanted to see Ivanka married to Tom Brady. Millions of Americans would be okay with that – Patriots couldn’t be any more hated, & we’d have Ivanka out of DC.

FOX News website headline “DHS: All eligible immigrant parents reunited with children.” Only down in the story is the line “Hundreds of children remain apart from their families following separations at the border.”
State TV at its finest.


Necco candy plant in Revere, MA, suddenly closed. They made Necco Wafers, Mary Janes & Valentine’s Day tiny Sweetheart candies. Will the last candy hearts instead of saying “Be Mine” say “Blame Trump?”

NY Times reports Jared Kushner “has privately said that he has been taking action against ‘incompetence.'”
Some statements don’t even need a punchline.

Crickets from Trump on deadly California Carr Fire. Although imagine the tweet storm if he thought it was started by an immigrant.

And ten people at least shot in New Orleans, three fatally.  Less sad perhaps that we reset the USA  mass shooting clock than that we barely notice.


Can we call Trump the “Pinball President?” Because scandals come so fast & furious it’s like a ball bouncing so fast off bumpers we don’t know what to react to next.


July 28, 2018

Jerry Jones’ son Stephen, Dallas executive VP, said players should stand “if they want to be a Dallas Cowboy.”
So if they want to take out their frustrations, players should do something more American like beating their girlfriends?


Former SF Giant Ryan Vogelsong, on missing being a major league pitcher. “I had an excuse to be mad at everyone every fifth day.”


Facebook blocked Alex Jones for 30 days for “spreading hate speech and encouraging physical harm.”
And then did they lock the barn door and start searching for the horse?

If CNN and other reporters showed up with questions on colored flash cards would Trump answer them?

Putin says he’s invited Trump to Moscow for second meeting. Guess he wants to refresh his memory with another showing of the pee tape?

Why does Fox News keep saying liberals think Trump voters are stupid, when it’s Donald  Trump who CLEARLY really thinks they are stupid.


Trump tweets that “The only things the Democrats do well is “Resist,” which is their campaign slogan, and “Obstruct.”
Justice Merrick Garland might disagree.



How long until Trump claims Omarosa was just the covfefe girl?

Recent Twitter message – but kind of applies to the United States right now -“Something is technically wrong -thanks for noticing. We’re going to fix it and have things back to normal soon.” #BlueWave

As if we didn’t already know Kimberly Guilfoyle was the perfect woman to marry into the Trump family….

“Troy is strong on crime and borders, loves our Military, our Vets and our Second Amendment. He has my full and total Endorsement!”
“John is strong on crime and borders, loves our Military, our Vets and our Second Amendment. He will be a star. He has my full and total Endorsement!”

Two tweets, about 6 minutes apart. Can’t imagine how Trump gets accused of being a clueless braggart with memory issues.

Here goes da Judge

July 27, 2018

Aaron Judge has a fractured wrist and is going to be out three weeks. So what, will the Yankees somehow make a trade for Bryce Harper?

Josh Hader pitched for the first time on the road since the All-Star game when his racist and homophobic teenage tweets were revealed.  Against the Giants, and he was booed loudly.  San Francisco is a hate-free zone,  Except for the Dodgers.

After CNN reporter was banned from White House pool access for simply asking about Michael Cohen,  Fox News issued a statement saying “we stand in strong solidarity with CNN for the right to full access for our journalists as part of a free and unfettered press.”

So they’re sending “thoughts and prayers?”

So Jim Jordan is running for Speaker. Because he’ll speak up as much for the country against Trump as he spoke up for those wrestlers against the doctor?

Jim Jordan will say he’s even more qualified than Dennis Hastert to be speaker because we already know about his sexual abuse scandal. #WTF?


So how much will we have to cut from US education budget to provide better security for Betsy Devos’s yachts?

United & American Airlines changing their websites to accede to Chinese demand not to refer to Taiwan as a separate country. Washington HAD described the demand as “Orwellian nonsense.”
“Orwellian nonsense?”  These days in DC Trumpster consider Orwell a political genius.


Happy #NationalInternDay – I miss days when that would have been #1 source of jokes about a current US President.


So new lying lawyer Trump is claiming that Trump’s old lawyer was a bigger liar. Got it. #TrumpTower

Who knew that publicly humiliating your lawyer at his son’s bar mitzvah might end up affecting his “loyalty.”


Maybe Donald Trump Jr. is getting engaged to Kimberly Guilfoyle because if they’re married she can’t testify with anything he’s said to her against him?

Trump has been accused of lying and claiming U.S. Steel is opening “six major facilities.” (They aren’t) So he changed his story. Now he’s claiming SEVEN.

Meanwhile Fox News website is a Michael Cohen free zone. While they trumpet “Biden gone bad” about Joe’s niece being sentenced in a credit card fraud case.

In a town where EVERYTHING leaks, Robert Mueller might be running the tightest ship in history.

Checked out

July 25, 2018

Yoenis Cespedes will have surgery on his heels and miss the remainder of the 2018 season. Making him luckier than Mets fans.

Marc Ragovin – “In a move to attract fans given their dismal record, the NY Mets have just announced Bubonic Plague Vaccination Night Fridays.”

Jerry Jones says Dallas will require players to stand for anthem, not remain in locker room. As if we didn’t already have enough reason to hate the Cowboys.

So just wondering, will Cowboys owner Jerry Jones close down all the concession stands at AT&T Stadium during the National Anthem? $$$$$$$


Kevin Durant on Donald Trump “He doesn’t have a soul, bro,” he doesn’t have a soul. The stuff he says and does, bro. Like, you gotta have something deep down … Something’s missing for you to say that type of stuff.”

Just guessing it’s going to be at least until 2021 until ANY NBA team visits the White House.

Vince Carter has re-upped for his 21st year with the Hawks. Your turn, Manu  Ginobili   #GoSpursGo

Larry Nassar alleges he was assaulted in prison.
“I feel so sorry for him,” said absolutely, positively nobody.

Just when you think you’ve heard them all, United flight delayed from LAX because “a piece of luggage got sucked into the right engine.”
Wonder if they’ll refund the checked bag fee?

FoxNews reports Trump saying HE’s delaying meeting Putin again until 2019 after ‘Russia witch hunt is over”
That’s like your prom date backing out and announcing you decided to ask her to next year’s dance instead

Trump says US and EU have agreed to work toward “zero tariffs.” Dibs on “less than 48 hours” in the pool on when he says the complete opposite.

Trump tweets about “hosting the first-ever #IRFMinisterial. The U.S. will continue to promote #ReligiousFreedom around the world.”
Of course, if you’re Muslim, your religious freedom stops at US border. #WTF?

So POTUS who’d run into a school to face an armed killer is afraid to face an unarmed CNN woman reporter….

“What kind of lawyer would tape a client?”
The kind of lawyer who doesn’t trust his client, for starters. @realDonaldTrump

Trump didn’t create racists in America. He just empowered them.

Seattle covfefe?

July 25, 2018

And didn’t we all have the Giants beating the Mariners because of Kelby Tomlinson’s great night at the plate, a Hunter Pence home run  and Pablo Sandoval’s speed rushing Seattle’s Dee Gordon into an error.

To Casablanca fans…. Prodigal Panda this year, paid by the Red Sox, is doing a nice version for SF Giants fans of “We’ll always have 2012 and 2014.”

Seriously,  Pablo destroyed Verlander in game one in 2012, and then caught the final out in 2014.  Then tried to burn bridges. But they’re rebuilt now.  And it’s a good thing.


And airlines wonder why we hate them… United discount fare SF to Newark in October, $342 roundtrip. Adding 4 inches of legroom same seat,  $291 roundtrip additional. No joke.

So wonder how many MAGA farmers who rail against welfare & social services will do principled thing and turn down money from Trump’s $12 billion bailout?

“Tariffs are the greatest,” and “as simple as that.” Well, it’s not like @realDonaldTrump was an Economics major or anything. Wait, never mind.

Groucho Marx “Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?”
@realDonaldTrump “Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes AND ears?”

Too bad for workers who will be laid off since Ivanka’s clothing company is shutting down. At least most of them are in China.

The #MAGA world according to Trump? “We become strong, I feel, when we have no friends upon whom to lean, or to look to for moral guidance.”
Benito Mussolini.


My new hero. BBC’s #EmilyMaitlis to Sean Spicer “You played with the truth, you led us down a dangerous path. You have corrupted discourse for the entire world by going along with these lies.”


From a pizza deliveryman to a daughter-in-law…. Guessing almost all of us, including Trump voters, know and respect someone undocumented. Immigration issues are not easy.

Finally, If #NiaWilson had been white and her killer an immigrant, Trump would already be eulogizing her tonight. Seriously. And if you don’t know the story google it. Please.

Too many.

July 23, 2018

Just how drunk was Iowa DT Brady Reiff? He was arrested and charged with public intoxication this weekend after he tried to get into a vehicle that WASN’T his Uber ride. It was a police car.

I miss the days when #ALLCAPS was trending because of a great hockey team. @Capitals

To be fair, @realDonaldTrump isn’t a hockey fan, so maybe he heard people cheering #ALLCAPS earlier this year and figured it was a winning strategy.

Tim Tebow broke a bone in his hand. So for this season at least he has to put aside his dreams of making the big leagues. Or even the #Mets

Up in the CFL, Johnny Manziel has been traded to the Montreal Alouettes.  And we thought poutine was Montreal’s biggest hot mess.

Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte was suspended for a year for doing an illegal IV containing vitamins.  How did the authorities find out?  He POSTED a picture of himself doing it on Instagram.

Proving again, that athletic ability and brains don’t correlate.  #CantFixStupid

Nikki Haley today in an interview with CBS News,  “We don’t trust Russia, we don’t trust Putin, we never will.  They’re never going to be our friend. That’s just a fact.”

Two words  – “She’s running.”

(and move her up in Trump firing bingo.)

Sarah Sanders, defending Trump’s idea of taking security clearances said officials “have politicized and in some cases monetized their public service”
Did they come up with that strategy at DC’s Trump hotel?

Has someone told the Stable Genius that access to Twitter has been blocked since 2008 in Iran?

Just got a fundraising email from “Lara Trump, Senior Advisor, Donald J. Trump for President, 2020
“Senior Advisor?! Does she have a security clearance too?

If any of us had an elderly parent tweeting like @realDonaldTrump this am, we’d be looking around for a good assisted-living home.



As we get closer to November, can Democratic voters please remember – save the litmus tests for determining acidity or alkalinity. #VOTE #GOTV


July 23, 2018

NY Mets and Yankees rained out tonight for @ESPN Sunday Night Baseball. What a disappointment for Yankees fans who will now have to wait TWO WHOLE weeks to see their team on Sunday night again.

When you can’t tell if it’s a joke or another “That’s so Mets” thing. Reportedly Noah Syndergaard now on the DL with hand, foot and mouth disease.


At least the SF Giants don’t have to take that stupid Bay Bridge Series trophy home.


Rider in Tour de France was expelled after he was seen throwing a punch at rider from another team. Not sure about sportsmanship but if this catches on Tour de France ratings could double.

Georgia Southern University student blames autocorrect for a racial text about a future roommate, saying she meant to type “triggerish.”
Right, like autocorrect on your phone will ever result in something MORE offensive. Mine repeatedly tried to say SF Giants were “ducking” instead of sucking today.


Wonder if Trump spent more time alone with Putin this month than he’s spent alone with Melania?


Comey telling Dems what to do in future elections is like going into Pottery Barn, knocking something off the shelf, then telling the staff how to glue it together. #YouBreakItYouBuyIt


If @realDonaldTrump thinks a meeting & some commemorative coins will get him Nobel Peace Prize, makes sense he’ll think all caps will solve an Iran threat.

From a Washington Post article on Trump supporters in Alabama. One complaining about “the racial divide,” which she believed was getting worse. “The evidence was all the black people protesting about the police, and all the talk about the legacy of slavery, which Sheila never believed was as bad as people said it was. “Slaves were valued,” she said. “They got housing. They got fed. They got medical care.””
Sheila is a Sunday School teacher.

I remember those “We survived Clinton you will survive Bush” and “We survived Bush, you will survive Obama” t-shirts.
Now it’s “We survived Obama, and not sure if we WILL survive Trump.”

Plus ca change…

July 21, 2018

So after MLB commissioner Manfred complains Mike Trout isn’t marketing himself, Fox Game of the Week is Cardinals vs. Cubs, followed by ESPN Sunday Night Baseball Mets vs. Yankees.

Sign at Coliseum exit off Highway 880. “Today’s game is sold out.”. A’s fans are going ” What’s a sellout? ” #sfgiants #Athletics

Mets trade closer Jeurys Familia to A’s. Well, not as if they were giving him many games to close.

And regarding this “Bay Bridge Series” trophy – can both teams make a pact? #Justsayno

Tim Tebow put on DL for Binghamton AA team with a  hand injury.

So what’s worse – for the AA team who were counting on him being able to sell tickets?  Or the Mets who were hoping for that September attendance boosting call up?

On the other hand, given the thousands of people who were stuck in traffic and  almost certainly missed the first few innings, have to figure at least folks in Oakland finally know what it’s like to be Dodgers fans.

Madison Bumgarner for first time in 90 starts can’t make it through five innings….giving up 3 runs on 2 hits  Four walks.  On the other hand,  All-Star Jon Lester against the Cardinals Thurday  – 8 earned runs, 5 walks in 3 innings.  Everything is relative.

And baseball is a funny game.


Mueller has subpoenaed a Madam. Well, not as if we think @realDonaldTrump would ever patronize a brothel. And if he did he would CERTAINLY have paid all his bills….

Anyone else notice that about EVERY Trump endorsement tweet has basically the same phrase “very strong on Crime and Borders, LOVES our Military, Vets and the 2nd Amendment.”
Well, dementia patients do tend to repeat themselves.

Remember when Gerald Ford lost an election by saying “there is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe?”
And now @POTUS trying to say the same about Russia and the US…

We know without reading story that if Trump is tweeting about it suspect in Los Angeles Trader Joe’s hostage situation wasn’t a white man.

Over 62,000,000 Americans voted for Trump in 2016
Over 106,000,000 eligible voters didn’t vote at all.
Why are we banging our heads against the wall trying to convince the former group? #GOTV

Out of reach

July 20, 2018

First game after the All-Star Break.   Have the Baltimore Orioles been officially eliminated yet?


And didn’t all SFGiants fans have Dereck Rodriguez as the ace of the staff at the All-Star break?

Why we love Gregg Popovich, asked about what the Spurs had endured during the offseason:   “This is basketball.  Enduring, I think, is pretty much a misnomer. We’re playing a child’s game and getting paid for it. Enduring? Just look at the TV and what is going on in the world. There’s a lot of people enduring. We’re not enduring anything.”


(Trump might go after Popovich, if he weren’t sure the Spurs coach would kick his ass.)

-NATO, Russia summit, payoffs to a Playboy Bunny…. And @realDonaldTrump is tweet raging about NFL and anthem?
Is it still infrastructure week?


Seriously.  This on FAQs on Royal Caribbean Cruise website.
“Are there rules about grabbing a turtle or any other marine life and going for a ride?” #beammeupscotty


Reports from HuffPost that Kimberly Guilfoyle did not leave Fox voluntarily. When you’re too toxic for Fox News….

Republicans gutting the Endangered Species Act. Which they may regret when the GOP itself is acknowledged as an Endangered Species.

Lordy, there ARE tapes.

Moral of today’s #MichaelCohen story – Don’t f*ck with your lawyer.

So with Cohen gone who’s @realDonaldTrump going to find to pay prostitutes for Putin’s visit to DC?


Trump is reportedly very upset about #MichaelCohen‘s lack of loyalty. And who’d a thunk the lawyer you humiliated at his son’s bar mitzvah would ever turn on you?

If it comes out that Trump paid one of his mistresses to get an abortion about how many minutes will it take for MAGAers to blame it on the woman?


CNN calls Putin “the most powerful man in the World”. Silly network. Putin isn’t the most powerful man in the world, only the most powerful man in the White House.


From an anonymous & wise friend – “There should be an investigation to see if anyone in the Trump administration has any ties to America.”

Kneed off.

July 19, 2018

Miami Dolphins could suspend players up to 4 games for kneeling during the anthem. Open note to PED users, if you know you’re going to be tested, kneel & take the same 4 game suspension without the drug taint on your record. @NFL

Carmelo Anthony has been sent to Atlanta. So while we can’t yet cure cancer, apparently it can be traded.

Carmelo Anthony rumored to be signing eventually with Houston Rockets. Which is great news, for the Warriors, Lakers and Spurs.

MLB commissioner Rob Manfred says Mike Trout would be a bigger star if he marketed himself. What about if ESPN & Fox showed other teams beside the Yankees, Red Sox and Cubs?

Meanwhile, while most teams continue their All-Star break, MLB has scheduled ONE game, on ESPN for July 19. Surprise surprise surprise… it’s the Cardinals vs. Cubs.

-And the next three Sunday Night baseball games:
July 22 – Mets at Yankees
July 29 – Cubs at Cardinals
Aug 5 – Yankees at Red Sox

Dibs on “less than 2 weeks” for the “how long Dan Coats lasts in this White House” pool.

Why do we say GOP is prostituting themselves over Trump/Russia collusion? Prostitutes provide value when they get money for screwing people.

If Larry Nassar had run for office as a Republican, most of GOP would be saying all those girls were lying too. #sistersurvivors
Nice that Jeff Flake made speech calling @realDonaldTrump out. If only the Senator could do something, like you know, vote against him sometime.

Kirstjen Nielsen was partly right correct on Charlottesville that it wasn’t as if “one side was right and the other side was wrong.”. It was that one side was right and the other was very VERY wrong.

Does anyone think Trump was surprised when they told him about Russian interference in the election. He trusts his BFF Vlad to keep his promises.


So when @realDonaldTrump invites Putin to USA will also he take Vlad target shooting for pedestrians on New York’s 5th Avenue?

Trump has invited Putin to Washington DC this fall. Well, yes, Vlad wants to see what he’s purchased.


Fake awards?

July 18, 2018

Watching Jim Kelly on ESPY  really makes me wish his Bills had won a Super Bowl.


Just saying, many of us do NOT think Viking over Saints was best sports moment of year.
And as for thanking God, “God is going, don’t blame me, I was going for a beer to celebrate Saints win.  #GeauxSaints


No one knows what’s in Josh Hader’s heart about now. But guessing thousands of older and wiser MLB players are really glad they didn’t grow up in the Twitter era.

And wonder how many young MLB players are learning today how to scrub their Twitter accounts.

Meanwhile, as the fan-voted MLB All-Star starters left a 2-1 game in the 7th, and the reserves made it an 8-6 home run derby ending in the 10th, got to think that  fans don’t spend enough time watching top players.

Know makeup can be expensive, but at this point doesn’t Sarah Sanders have a lifetime supply of burnt facts for her perfect smokey eye?

Trump “There’s been no President ever as tough as I have been on Russia.” And tonight he’ll call Putin to say “Did I say it right?”

So Sarah Sanders walks back Trump’s walk back of his walk back of his saying Russia didn’t interfere in the election.
Who needs coal, we can power US on the wind power from all this spin.


So when will Republicans release a copy of their new party platform in Russian?

Has anyone told the Russians how much Trump’s “important verbal agreements” mean?

So who had Montenegro in Trump insult bingo?

Tweet from John McCain – ” The people of #Montenegro boldly withstood pressure from #Putin’s Russia to embrace democracy. The Senate voted 97-2 supporting its accession to #NATO. By attacking Montenegro & questioning our obligations under NATO, the President is playing right into Putin’s hands.”

In other words,Trump is just doing the job Putin elected him to do.


Finally, I know this country is deeply divided now,  and this blog is more politics than sports most days about now.  But good to know we still have some bipartisan agreement and priorities.  The following is currently my most popular tweet ever.

“MLB commissioner Rob Manfred says Mike Trout would be a bigger star if he marketed himself. What about if ESPN & Fox showed other teams beside the Yankees, Red Sox and Cubs?”

Love may fade, but the internet is forever.

July 17, 2018

Josh Hader, 24, says he plans to apologize to teammates for his just discovered racist & homophobic (mostly) teenage tweets. ‘No excuses. I was dumb and stupid.”
Give the guy credit for not claiming someone hacked his account.


Two days left in MLB All-Star Break. Plenty of time for a lot of players to clean up their old Twitter accounts.

On a brighter note for Josh Hader, he’s now the MLB player most likely to be invited to the Trump White House.

So a World Series title wasn’t enough? Some @Cubs fans are claiming Bryce Harper cheated in the Home Run Derby by having his dad toss pitches before the prior balls hit the ground. I don’t care, do u?

MGM Resorts International sues more than 1,000 victims from Las Vegas mass shooting, denying any liability.  And then they’ll change their name to something more popular – like Trump Hotels?

Secret Service agent who suffered stroke while protecting @realDonaldTrump at his Turnberry Golf Club has died. So nice to see @POTUS acknowledging his service & loss to his family.
Oh wait, crickets, just tweets slamming Dems and “Fake News Media.” #WTF?

To say that Donald Trump caved to Putin yesterday implies Trump wasn’t working for him all along.

Media really should apologize for calling Trump #PutinsPoodle. To owners of poodles.

Kimberly Guilfoyle on new boyfriend Donny Jr. “the number one up-and-coming political figure on the right.”
Guess they don’t do drug testing at Fox News?

And we thought Reagan was showing signs of dementia in the White House.

Trump tweet “The meeting between President Putin and myself was a great success, except in the Fake News Media!”
Translation “Who you going to believe, me or your lying eyes, and ears?”

For all the accusations that liberals think Trump voters are stupid, after “would/wouldn’t” today it seems obvious that TRUMP thinks his voters are stupid.

At this point think if Putin released a pee tape Trumpsters would praise @POTUS for helping aspiring actresses.

Maybe we should give @realDonaldTrump some credit for saying he confused “would” and #wouldnt in his press conference with Putin. Don’t we all get a little tongue-tied in front of our boss?

Trump asked about Russia on Fox News “I don’t want to use the word ‘adversary.” But media is the “enemy of the people.”



“”Frankly my dear, I give a damn.”  “We’ll always not have Paris.”   “I’m going to make him an offer he can refuse.”  #TrumpAQuote

Going going gone?

July 16, 2018

Bryce Harper is good at baseball.

I do miss the days when for many of us in SF Bay Area our biggest worry this morning would have been ‘What happened to the SF Giants offense?”

At least Trump was too jet-lagged or uninterested to show up and disrupt MLB’s Home Run Derby.   #smallmercies


What’s worse. Kneeling for the national anthem? Or kneeling in front of Vladimir Putin. Asking for a country.

I know Americans are upset, but we need to put this in perspective, while meeting Putin, Barack  Obama might have worn a tan suit.

As a collector of Russian lacquer boxes that all show fairy tale scenes, want to know, where’s the commemorative box for this morning’s Trump-Putin press conference?

The world according to @realDonaldTrump
Democracies – Bad
Dictatorships – Good

Trump “I don’t see any reason why it would be” Russia who attacked the US. So he’s either a treasonous liar, or it was time for the 25th amendment yesterday.

So really, why should a US President take the word of ALL US intelligence agencies over a nice guy like Vladimir Putin?

We are all #RandPaul‘s neighbor.

At this point have to assume if Donald Trump stood up and said “Of course Putin helped me win and he’s promised to do it again,” many Trump supporters would applaud and say “As he should.”

Must. Not. Make. Chris. Christie. Jokes. The London Trump baby blimp is headed to New Jersey

We need ONE GOP Senator who is not retiring to put country over party. The history books are waiting. And yes, I might be talking to you @lisamurkowski or @marcorubio



Trump tells Hannity “Mueller probe has driven ‘wedge’ between Russia and US.”
Right, that’s like claiming your spouse discovering affair drove a wedge between you & your lover.


Just a thought, if #TreasonSummit DOES turn out to be that proverbial breaking straw can we be nice to Trump supporters who change their minds. At least for a little while. Plenty of time to start fighting again later.#Countryoverparty.

Moving on

July 16, 2018

The World Cup is over. So most Americans can get back to ignoring soccer again.

Brazil is already the favorite for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. What are the odds the 2022 World Cup HAPPENS in Qatar.

Congratulation to France on their World Cup win. But 4-2? Was the ball juiced?

Washingon Nationals, who fired Dusty Baker last fall, lose 2-3 of to Mets and limp into the All-Star break at.  500. Once again people don’t appreciate how good a black leader was until he’s gone.

Cardinals Manager Mike Matheny fired for being 1 game over .500. Mets fans wonder if he was fired for overachieving.

New slogan? “Call Papa John’s, don’t slave over a hot stove.”   #Bustohell

So latest video of someone calling cops on a street vendor has gone viral & resulted in #PermitBetty losing her job.
Amazing, not that people can be a**holes, but that some haven’t figured out everyone else has a cellphone camera.

It’s costing over $6,000,000 for security for Trump’s visit to Scotland. So he can play golf and promote his failing Turnberry resort. Well, this ought to make the place even MORE attractive to locals….

Scottish police are looking for paraglider who flew over Turnberry with a “Trump Well Below Par #Resist” sign. No doubt Scottish people will then be looking for him too, to pay for legal expenses.

William and Charles refused to meet with Trump at Windsor Castle. So IF Trump outlives Queen Elizabeth, will he refer to one of them as #FakeKing?

As Trump praises Kim Jong Un & publicly says of Putin “maybe he’ll be a friend,” this headline from Fox News this am. “Trump slams ‘difficult’ European Union on trade, calls 28-nation bloc ‘a foe’ of US.”
State TV at it’s finest.

The Capital Gazette murders were less than three weeks ago, and @realDonaldTrump is tweeting “our news media is indeed the enemy of the people….”

Trump tweet “Received many calls from leaders of NATO countries thanking me for helping to bring them together and to get them focused on financial obligations, both present & future. ”

Calls from NATO leaders, or the voices in his head?

So where are the commemorative coins for the #TreasonSummit

TC can’t wait for Trump to tell Putin “that he was a big fan of John Lenin and The Beatles.”

Marc Ragovin  – “New Country Motto: “Thailand. Where We Reunite Children With Their Parents”

You Go Girl.

July 14, 2018

Serena Williams almost died after giving birth, 10 months later she’s the Wimbledon runner-up. Weaker sex my ass.



Giants ended up scoring 7 runs against As.  But early in the game had to ask, so does a run balked in count as an #SFGiants 2018 offensive explosion?

Chase Utley, 39, is retiring.  “So young?”  responded Jamie Moyer.

This is shaping up to be the most successful witch hunt since Dorothy dropped a house on one and melted another.

Regarding “coincidence” that Russia started hacking DNC emails on same day Trump supposedly joked “Russia, if you’re listening…”
We all should know by now, Trump doesn’t have a sense of humor.

So Jim Jordan, the man accused by at least 11 college wrestlers of looking away while they were abused, is reportedly going after Rosenstein, a fellow Republican, for NOT looking away while our democracy was abused.

Anderson beats Isner in six hour & 36 minute Wimbledon semifinals
Curiously enough, “over six hours,” is probably how long Queen Elizabeth will say her tea with Trump felt like.

The Queen looked happier announcing Charles and Diana’s divorce #TrumpVisitUK

Give @realDonaldTrump credit, even on a week where he goes to a NATO Summit & meets Queen Elizabeth, he still manages to arrange a taxpayer funded weekend of golf.


Trump tweeted “have arrived in Scotland and will be at Trump Turnberry for two days of meetings, calls and hopefully, some golf – my primary form of exercise!
“Hopefully” some golf? Talk about #FakeNews And he uses a cart….

Who says Trump can’t draw a crowd?


Over there.

July 12, 2018

In the minor leagues, teams have started using a new rule where starting in the 10th, a runner would be stationed on second base to begin each inning.  And apparently it’s getting popular as a way to shorten games.  Hmm, how long until fans beg this to happen with the Mets.

The Hall of Fame says they won’t acknowledge Terrell Owens at all during the induction ceremony he plans to boycott.  I don’t care, do u?

I miss the days when being an ugly American abroad just meant carrying an over-sized camera and wearing sandals with socks.


Trump today talked about “people in the UK – Scotland, Ireland…. ”
Time to score the Irish space in Trump insult bingo.

Trump in @TheSun interview “I guess when they put out blimps to make me feel unwelcome, no reason for me to go to London.”
And hundreds of cities around world going “How do we order a #TrumpBabyblimp?


Trump said he’d run into school to face an armed killer. He won’t even take a limo through streets of London to face a 20-ft tall balloon. @TrumpBabyUK

Trump tweeted out “Great success today at NATO!” Right, like Custer had great success at the Battle of Little Big Horn.

Damn, anyone else now wish Sasha Baron Cohen had reached Trump to ask him for advice on how to hit on women?

Wonder what Brett Kavanaugh might have texted about Hillary Clinton?

When House committee gets done with Strzok can they look into Jim Jordan’s texts and emails?

So tomorrow under oath will all members of the House Judiciary Committee say if they have lied to THEIR spouses?

So he had an affair. But how many women besides me after today still believe #PeterStrzok lies far less than most GOP members of Congress?

Right about now you KNOW there is a former mistress of someone on House Judiciary Committee who was sickened by today’s hypocrisy…. If she’s thinking of going public – well You Go Girl!

NFL Competition?

July 11, 2018

After their loss to Croatia, England was fined $70K after players wore ‘unauthorized socks.’ This is FIFA’s way of showing they are real football?

Giants scored four runs in the first today, then none until the 13th.  The team had a slumber party for fans on the field after today’s game.. This was not meant as an invitation for Giants offense to get a head-start.

Buster Posey had the game winning RBI in the 13th,  maybe he decided no way he was spending ANY more time in catcher’s crouch.


Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh apparently had “tens of thousands of dollars in credit card debt” over past decade from buying Nationals season & playoff tickets. Well, good for him Nats never made the World Series.

Wait a minute, who knew they were ALLOWED to score in the 1st five minutes of a World Cup game?

Damn, England loses World Cup semi. Could the week get any worse. Oh, Trump is arriving tomorrow. Never mind.

Asked about World Cup & Wimbledon finals overlapping, Roger Federer replied “I’m more concerned the World Cup final will have issues because the Wimbledon final is going on.”
Well, now Roger has time to watch both.

Papa John CEO John Schnatter  resigned today. For being racist enough to use the N-word? Or for being stupid enough to use it on a conference call?

From @TheAtlantic – ICE spends more than $2 billion a year on jails, & about 70% percent of that goes to private contractors. Follow the money.

Senate has overwhelming passed two resolutions condemning Trump on trade and NATO. So are non-binding resolutions the new #ThoughtsAndPrayers?


Forget military parade. Does Queen Elizabeth II have a picture at Windsor Castle she could show Trump of Charles I?


-Europeans watching NATO summit “USA is DEFINITELY not sending us their best.”

“Germany is a captive of Russia.”
I guess we should give @realDonaldTrump credit for saying this stuff with a straight face.

Trump’s opening remarks at NATO. This is not SNL cold open.
“Good morning, everybody. Good morning to the media — the legitimate media and the fake-news media. Good morning to them. A lot of good people here. Surprising.”

From Marc Ragovin  “New Country Motto: “Thailand. Where We Reunite Children With Their Parents”

And then there were three.

July 10, 2018

Pommes frites are originally Belgian anyway.  But in Brussels will they start boycotting  the name French Fries?

1-0 World Cup games are incredibly exciting for fans of the teams involved. But just guessing they don’t create many new American soccer fans.



SF Giants  been playing much of the last two weeks like they are trying to hang on and win with penalty kicks.

On a brighter note for Giants, Ray Black took his ERA down from 81 today to 20.

Apparently new Carolina Panthers owner David Tepper is “contractually obligated” to keep 13-foot-high statue of Jerry Richardson outside stadium. Is he allowed to cover it in pigeon feed?

Serena Williams is bad ass. That is all.

Orioles had comeback walkoff win against Yankees today, moving them to only 37.5 games out of first. Before the All-Star break.

From USA Today – Former OSU Wrestling coach Russ Hellickson said he told Dr. some athletes were “uncomfortable” with him showering with them, Strauss responded that Hellickson also showered with the athletes. “I said, ‘Not for an hour, Doc,’”
Hellickson also said he told him “‘When you’re doing weigh-ins, you’re too hands on, Doc.” But added there “didn’t appear to be a ‘red flag'” indicating that Strauss’ behavior amounted to abuse.”
Uh what WOULD have been a red flag? Seriously. #WTF?


BBC documentary airing this week “Trump: Is the President a Sex Pest?”
Don’t share this story, it  will further upset Trump.

Trump has now pardoned the arsonists Dwight and Steven Hammond. Who actually tried to kill firefighters by setting fires to trap them. More of those “many fine people on both sides?”

Waiting for Trump saying if he’d been in Thailand he’d have swum into the cave to rescue those kids himself last week. #ThailandCaveRescue

So much twitter outrage over man telling woman with Puerto Rico t-shirt to go home. But travel agents have all been asked about passports and/or if they take US money in Hawaii. No joke.

We laugh at Sarah Palin for being tricked by Sacha Baron Cohen. But how often has Senator Susan Collins been tricked by GOP leadership


Trump venting on Europe being delinquent with NATO and needing to reimburse US. Like he himself needs to reimburse his private driver?