Archive for June 2018

Too much juice?

June 30, 2018

Reds scored 12 runs today, Braves and Red Sox scored 11, Cubs scored 14. Was there some MLB pitchers’ strike and nobody told us?

So if chosen will Hope Hicks be first Chief of Staff ever to steam a President’s pants?

4-3 score in World Club with France vs. Argentina.   WTF? Is the ball juiced?


So in the end, what was the difference between Argentina and Nigeria and Iceland?  About 4 days.

Hall of Famer John Smoltz missed the cut at the US Senior Open. Who does he think he is, Tiger Woods?

As the World Cup enters knock-out rounds, many Americans have the familiar feeling they have every March Madness – rooting for teams on which they can’t name a single player.


So who had Estonia on Trump’s relations wrecking list?

Ah, June 30, when we can all be glad that we won’t get any more last minute “2nd quarter of 2018” fundraising emails. And switch over to “start the second half of 2018 with a bang” fundraising emails.

Mike Huckabee, if Trump put Moses up for the possibility of being Supreme Court Justice the Democrats would still be against it.

Apparently Mike Huckabee doesn’t remember that Moses led more than half a million immigrants in search of the Promised Land…


Love how Trumpsters simultaneously say that Trump is tougher on immigrants than any President ever but blame Obama for family separation.

To all my new Russian bot Twitter responders – “blagoslovlyay svoye serdtse”
(translation “Bless your heart.”

How can you be “pro-life” and say human beings want to “infest” us? Asking for a country.

Maxine Waters “If you shoot me, you better shoot straight. There’s nothing like a wounded animal.”
Whatever you think of #MaxineWaters, she has more cojones than 90% of Congress.



“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something sometime in your life”. Winston Churchill

Not quite major league.

June 29, 2018


Tim Tebow has made the AA All-Star team. If so, he should be ready to fit right in on this year’s Mets!

So Lebron James is opting out of his contract with the Cavaliers. Miss the days when that was the biggest story we could all get worked up about.

#LarryNassar trending. Anyone else disappointed that it wasn’t because he died?

Apparently now South Korea is out of World Cup, players may lose their exemption from 2 years of compulsory national service. On a brighter note, imagine what North Korean players would face for being eliminated

John Melendez pranked Donald Trump into accepting his call on Air Force One. Did he use a cellphone with a Russian prefix?

Despite the Capital Gazette killer’s long history of threatening behavior, he bought his gun legally. So much for “Thoughts and Prayers.”


So when will NRA and GOP declare that for safety we should arm all journalists?

We may never know exact trigger for #CapitalGazette killer. Clearly he had issues with the paper. But Trump’s normalizing hatred towards journalists couldn’t have helped.

Somehow got on Trump email list. And here’s fund raising message of day after Capital Gazette shooting – “Too many on the Left push a message of anger, resistance, and violent rhetoric….”

Susan Collins said she won’t apply “ideological litmus tests” to Supreme Court nominees. The problem is that @realDonaldTrump will.

Trump today said of Capital Gazette killings – “This attack shocked the conscience of our Nation, and filled our hearts with grief…
Those of us with hearts, anyway.


Just for the heck of it…. guacamole and tortillas really is the original avocado toast.

CIA and other U.S. agencies conclude North Korea has ramped up production of fuel for nuclear weapons. So who’s Trump going to believe? US intelligence or his new BFF Kim Jong-Un?

Marco Rubio was more upset by the use of the f-word than by the death of five journalists. Respectfully speaking, what a fuckwit.

The pen is mightier than the sword

June 28, 2018

And the gun.

-Trump likes to tout his own bravery and slam the press.
Meanwhile #CapitalGazette will publish a newspaper tomorrow. #truecourage

Jameis Winston suspended just 3 games by NFL. Good thing for #Buccaneers that their QB just sexually assaulted an Uber driver instead smoking some pot

Really miss living in world where as #Spurs & #SFGiants fan most upsetting news today would involve trading Kawhi Leonard & a blown save. #CapitalGazette

Japan advances over Senegal on “fair play points?” And people complain that the balk rule is weird.

(And once Japan knew the “fair play” rule would get them in, they basically played a four-corners offense for the last 10 minutes of the game to run out the clock without more scoring….)

Congratulations to Kevin Abel, 129 pitch 2-hit shutout after 23 pitches yesterday to win CWS for Oregon State
But six innings in MLB is a quality start……

Rod Rosenstein is a Trump-appointed Republican. Period.


Re Mueller investigation – “Finish it the hell up” says the man who dragged out Benghazi for over 2 years… #TreyGowdy #Whythereisnosatire

At least all these people who want to overturn Roe V. Wade also want to expand welfare benefits to poor women and children. Oh, wait… never mind. #ProLifeMyAss

Who says Trump isn’t doing anything to respond to Capital Gazette shootings? He got BFF Vlad to unleash Russian bots to blame it on Democrats.

Trump refused to speak to reporters about murdered Annapolis journalists when he returned to White House today.
But had shooter been an immigrant or Muslim he’d have been screaming loudly about his wall or travel ban.

How can you call the press “fake news” and the “enemy of the people” without EXPECTING someone to try to kill journalists? Asking for a sad country.

Even if today’s killer wasn’t directly motivated by Trump, calling free press “the enemy of the people” dehumanizes journalists, and provides justification to angry men looking for excuses to kill. Period.

Auf Wiedersehen?

June 28, 2018

Just guessing it’s not a great day for business if you run a Korean BBQ restaurant in Germany.

A little good news for the day, since James Borrego left for the Hornets job, San Antonio Spurs have promoted assistant coach Becky Hammon to the front of the bench,


Final game of #CollegeWorldSeries tomorrow between #OregonState and #Arkansas. And if anyone doesn’t have a team yet, Sarah Huckabee Sanders did start off Monday’s press briefing “Go Hogs.”

Germany is out of the World Cup. How long until Trump tweets taking credit?

Open note to @JeffFlake – Your book is “Conscience of a Conservative.” Show it now please, and announce you will not vote to confirm Trump SCOTUS nominee before the election.

Important potential bright spot w/ Kennedy retiring. He’s only doing it now to get a conservative replacement. Which means he too expects a November Blue Wave.

McConnell – “Senate stands ready to fulfill its constitutional role by offering advice and consent on President Trump’s nominee to fill this vacancy.”
Uh, but clearly this close to a midterm election we should let people decide.

US and Russia have agreed on a Trump-Putin summit. In addition to their nightly bedtime chats?

Since “My Pillow” is a big advertiser on KNBR, figured SF Giants fans should know that Trump at today’s rally is praising his strong supporter Mike Lindell, CEO & founder of “My Pillow.”

Trump taunt tonight – “slovenly man named Joe Crowley, got his ass kicked by a young woman who had a lot of energy.”
Guessing he won’t find it as entertaining when young women with a lot of energy kick GOP ass this November.


Somehow I’ve missed all the comments from so-called liberals  after Kennedy’s retirement saying “there’s no difference between the parties.”

It is a lot easier to convince someone who doesn’t think elections matter to vote than it is to change the mind of someone who has voted, even if they made the wrong choice. #confirmationbias

New York state of mind?

June 27, 2018

Mets actually won tonight, hope this isn’t a sign of the apocalypse.

A body was discovered at home of NY Giants cornerback Janoris Jenkins. Wait, I thought all the stiffs in NY were playing for the Mets. #BustoHell

Forget “Rolaids Reliever of the Year,” think Archie Bradley wins the “Pepto-Bismol Reliever of the Year.”

“Leave my husband alone” – Elaine Chao. Also countless immigrant women and gay men

If Sarah Sanders thinks she can’t have a nice simple dinner out now, wait until she finds out how many restaurants don’t want to deal with hassle of Secret Service escorts too.

Too soon to start a pool as to when @realDonaldTrump will come up with a nasty nickname for Alexandra  Ocasio Cortez?


Got to love Trump chortling over a white establishment male Democrat losing his Primary…. to a MORE liberal Latina woman. Mean bitch Karma popping another cold one.

Trump says he’d run into a school to face an armed killer? Wonder how long it will be before he’s afraid to face a group of Harley Davidson bikers?

Democrats looking for something productive to do in Wisconsin might consider voter registration in Milwaukee right now. It’s the headquarters of #HarleyDavidson

So has anyone reminded @realDonaldTrump that his new BFF Kim Jong Un is now on the travel ban list?

Suppose Trump travel ban makes SOME sense because most of the 9-11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Oh, Saudis aren’t on list….. Never mind.

Targeted advertising fail of the day.
“Janice, you’ve been such a loyal and committed supporter. I want you to know that I’m fighting alongside you every step of the way.Our hard work is paying off. We are winning the fight.
Please make a contribution of $50, and I would be honored to sign a copy of my book (“Trump’s America”) for you.

Your Friend, Newt Gingrich

Satellite images  reportedly show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility: report

Congrats to all those who had June 27 in the pool.

As we argue over whether Civility will matter with Trump voters, can we remember, Trump wasn’t elected so much because conservatives voted for him as because liberals voted third party or stayed home!  VOTE!

Big tent?

June 25, 2018

ESPN reports that Lebron James doesn’t want a “recruiting circus” with his free agency.
Uh, with “The Decision” Lebron is the one who first put up the circus tent.

On a Monday when Giants had an off day, Cubs against Dodgers had runners on 1st and 2nd with no one out, and bunted into a double play. Then had runners at 1st and 3rd with one out and hit into another double play.   For SF fans looked WAY too familiar.

So somehow ESPN’s “The Body” issue neglected Bartolo Colon?

Uruguay beat Russia today at the World Cup.   Fortunately Russia is still advancing so the Uruguay team won’t suddenly find their visas revoked.

In Ohio, a bank teller convinced a robber she needed to swipe his driver’s license to get more cash from the ATM. Police then showed up at the guy’s house later with a warrant for his arrest. #Crooksarestupid

Flight delays today at SFO due to a pothole closing one runway. Wonder which airline will be first to institute a “runway maintenance fee”?

As my friend Rick said ” That’s not a pothole, it’s a ground-based turbulence simulator.”

Maybe the Tallahassee Trail is where Trump told Melania HE was going.

Sarah Sanders says she complained (illegally) about Red Hen restaurant using her “official account” because she was responding to “news of the day.”
Uh, Sarah, it wasn’t news until you made it news.

Just guessing the Red Hen doesn’t serve the well-done steak with ketchup that Trump likes anyway…

Just checking, do MAGAers feel that a restaurant owner should also have to serve someone who comes in being polite but wearing a “F*ck Trump” shirt?

Lots of Trumpers criticizing a tweet I wrote about Trump wanting to be King. Most of them saying a US President is like a king. Funny, I missed GOP saying that when Obama was President.

So at Trump rallies will supporters alternate cries for #Civility with #LockHerUp?

If insults, rudeness and a lack of civility were enough to deter Americans from voting for a candidate then @HillaryClinton would be President.

Pelosi and Schumer rebuked Maxine Waters over civility. Somehow I missed GOP leaders doing the same with Trump.

On a brighter note…

June 25, 2018

At least USA didn’t sneak into World Cup.   As when they would no doubt be eliminated in first round no doubt Trump would have started a trade war at the very least with their opponent.

And didn’t we all have Hunter Pence as the walk off in 11 innings  hero for today’s SF Giants  game?

Marco Rubio told CNN he doesn’t think Trump will change his behavior. So when will Senator Rubio change HIS?

\On “Fox and Friends” former Trump deputy campaign manager told Dem strategist Joel Payne he was out of his “cotton-picking mind.” Payne is black.
The best people….


Except that it was written by a gay man “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King” would be Trump’s anthem.

AMC Theatres now has $20-a-month subscription service. But will $20 also be the price for small sodas and popcorn?

Would take outrage of those on behalf of #SarahSanders more seriously if same people were also outraged on behalf of gays denied wedding cake.
Reportedly Joe Manchin used Heimlich maneuver on Claire McCaskill when she was choking at a caucus luncheon this week.

Ted Cruz better hope he never chokes at lunch in the Senate.


In 2018, it’s not that Democrats need to change minds on party, it’s simply that we need to change minds from “non-voter” to “voter.”

Would really love to see how many people, including Trumpers, are certain they have NEVER personally hired an undocumented immigrant for anything?
And guessing most of them will be wrong.


For those trying to say Red Hen and Colorado baker are the same, remember -Sarah Sanders chooses to work for and lie for this President.
People do not choose to be gay.

Major league minimum?

June 24, 2018

Mets are 4-16 in June. Mets fans are going “We won 4 games?”

How long until the chants change from “Let’s Go Mets” to “Please Go Mets?” #Mets

It took the 51-27 Astros 12 innings Saturday to beat the 23-53 Royals.  Arew we sure that win shouldn’t have an asterisk?

Timing is everything. Have to assume millions more Americans would be following World Cup if Supreme Court had legalized sports betting sooner.

Germany and Mexico both won Saturday in World Cup So expect even more cranky tweets than usual from Trump.

Hank Aaron on whether he would visit White House: ‘There’s nobody there I want to see’   “Hank Aaron overrated” tweets from Trump in 3.2.1…


At least the Red Hen didn’t serve Sarah Sanders a slice of Minny’s chocolate pie.

KKKFC #Restaurants4Sarah

Waiting for Trump to tweet that the Red Hen food isn’t nearly as good as that served at his hotels.

Sarah Sanders and GOP should be applauding Red Hen restaurant owner for acting on her moral convictions.


So along with thoughts and prayers maybe supporters can send Sarah Sanders cakes from a certain Colorado bakery?


As a liberal waitress in college I worked a dinner featuring Caspar Weinberger. (along with a lot of Secret Service. )   Decided to serve him politely, even though I disagreed strongly with his views and actions.  I still do. But he was actually very pleasant, asked for “tea if it wasn’t too much trouble.”

On the other hand, that was my choice.  And if GOP is going to trumpet the individual freedom to refuse to serve someone…well then perhaps they should respect individual decisions.

(Considering number of both LGBT & undocumented workers in industry & what I remember from experience behind the scenes have to figure being asked to leave isn’t worst thing that has happened in restaurants to Sarah Sanders.)

Someone should have held his hand?

June 23, 2018

#SFGiants postgame Beatles-themed fireworks night tonight. In honor of Strickland breaking his hand on a door are they playing “Fool on the Hill?

Giants posted a list of the 2018 draft picks they signed. A handful of them were born after January 1, 2000. How did this happen?

NFL to suspend Jameis Winston for allegedly sexual assaulting a female Uber driver. Someone should have stuck to grabbing crab legs.

Clayton Kershaw will skip a scheduled rehab start to start against #MetsSaturday. To be fair, pitching against Mets offense IS a rehab start. #Dodgers

The silver lining about Trump staffers in DC not being able to get dates – at least they won’t be reproducing.

Prescient about Trump voters? James Baldwin in 1955 – “I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.”

ICE announced they may seek up to 15,000 beds to detain immigrant families. Can we start calling these detention facilities Trump hotels?

To be fair, does anyone really think if Trump were separated from his young children that either he or they would have cared?

Would be too absurd to imagine Melania was told to wear that jacket just to provoke outrage that GOP could then get outraged about. Wouldn’t it?
#ItsJustAJacket #ItsNotJustAJacket

While we’re focused on pictures, where are the pictures of Americans lining up to apply for jobs picking fruit, working in restaurants, doing construction and delivering pizzas etc now that Trump is deporting immigrants who had had those jobs?

Under Trump, EVERY day feels like the longest day of the year. #SummerSolstice

Somehow I missed the Trump press conferences with Parkland and Santa Fe parents #AngelFamilies


Was autographing pictures of murder victims another of those moments Trump became Presidential?

“AP Fact Check: Trump’s take on immigrant crime off mark.”
Uh, once again, how hard is it to say “He lied”?

Straight shooters?

June 21, 2018

No runs allowed in 8 innings and game winning RBI. In Madbum we trust.

“Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn’t lend itself to histrionics. You “take in” a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, w/ the clock running and the bodies flying.” #CharlesKrauthammer. RIP He would have liked Madbum


Meanwhile, Don Mattingly and Dan Straily suspended for throwing at Buster Posey in Marlins SF Giants game Tuesday.
Moral of story – don’t retaliate at superstars. Especially one the Marlins have broken already.

Argentina and Messi would like to thank Melania Trump and her jacket for making sure they weren’t the most embarrassing story of the day. #WorldCup

Many worry- about changing minds of Trump supporters. To use baseball analogy, to get more #SFGiants fans you don’t try to convert #Dodgers fans, you try to recruit NEW fans, or those who haven’t cared much about any team in the past.

Remember when the worst jacket we could imagine was Barack Obama’s tan one?

Melania at the border today  “I’d like to ask you how I can help these children to reunite with their families as quickly as possible.”

Uh, tell your husband to resign?


So maybe Trump plan is to get some celebrity mad enough to call Melania a “feckless c*nt” so GOP can act all aggrieved and NY Times can talk about both sides?


Melania’s spokesperson #ItsJustAJacket
Donald  Trump – It was a jab at journalists
Amazing buses can run in DC with all the people Trump has thrown under them?

GOP apologists trying to make these detention centers seem so luxurious that soon Scott Pruitt will be sending his staff to steal their body lotion.

Supreme Court ruled states can force retailers to collect sales taxes even if they don’t have a physical presence in the state.
Wait until Trump figures out that means 47 states will now start taxing purchases from Trump Store!

Trump wants to merge Departments of Labor and Education. Presumably he’ll put Betsy Devos in charge. She knows as little about Labor as she does about Education.

Back to baseball from Marc Ragovin – “Brewers’ pitcher Adrian Houser threw up twice while on the mound the other day. Gave up a run but completed the inning. Guess you can say he “gutted it out.”

Gone fish.

June 20, 2018


Good news for SF Giants fans. After today team doesn’t need to see Marlins until 2019!

14 pitch AB for the SF Giants’ Gorkys Hernandez. Brandon Belt has to be thinking “Isn’t that cute.”

A Phillies fan was slightly injured with a slight facial hematoma Monday night when she was hit by a hot dog launched by the Phillie fanatic.   The team did make sure she didn’t have a concussion,  though she will have a black eye for a while.

What’s particularly newsworthy – the woman will NOT sue. There’s hope for America.

Stanford star basketball player is going to be a graduate transfer and play at Kentucky next year. “The biggest thing that I wanted was to align both my academic and my athletic interests…”
And he said the first part of that sentence with a straight face.

Even in tough times, we’ll always have Darwin awards – Tourists on Big Island are getting arrested for taking selfies near lava from Mt. Kilauea


Who knew Peter Fonda was still alive?

Trump said he had no authority to stop family separation at the border, now he signed an Executive Order keeping families together. So will he fire himself?

Now Trump is lauding his “political courage” in reversing his own policy. Courage in what? Disagreeing with one of the voices in his head?

That moment you’re in such a hurry to fix a PR disaster you created that your team of “best people” misspells separation as “seperation.” #ExecutiveOrder

Trump on family separation “Ivanka feels very strongly about it. My wife feels very strongly about it. I think anybody with a heart feels very strongly about it.”
Translation, if it were up to me i’d keep them separated. #noheart

Waiting for Laura Ingrahame to claim that #ExecutiveOrder will disappoint many migrant children by keeping them from summer camp.

Trump fans at Duluth rally shouting “lock her up.” Confused. Do they mean Kirstjen Nielsen or Sarah Huckabee Sanders?

Trump just canceled tomorrow’s annual Congressional picnic. Because the optics of lawmakers enjoying a party with their families were too much even for this White House?

Since Trump is so focused on immigration he could’ve told Duluth supporters he’d pay big $$$ if they moved to Florida at Mar-A-Lago so he doesn’t have to hire all those foreign temp workers….

If Trump REALLY cared about immigration problem he could stop most of it in ONE day. Start arresting & JAILING people who hire undocumented workers, including for child care, gardening, restaurant work, housework….

So as Trump pretends to fix the crisis he created, how does he propose reuniting the families he’s already broken apart, and can DHS even find the kids?

Slamming a door?

June 20, 2018


Hunter Strickland clearly needed to pay more attention to Lebron James. Who apparently figured out a way to hit a wall and only cause an injury he could play through.


Meanwhile this Marlins SF Giants series is about one more hit batter from being on Pay-Per-View.

I miss the times when Gregg Popovich finally meeting with Kawhi Leonard would have been the most intriguing story of the day.

In Turkey, father of NBA player Enes Kanter has been charged with “membership in a terror group.” Kanter has spoken out against the Turkish President. So how long until Trump again praises Erdogan?

Note to @realDonaldTrump – Insects and animals infest. People do not infest. Unless we are talking about you and your people in the White House.

Trump “to prosecute the parents for coming in illegally, which should happen, you have to take the children away.”
So is that how he keeps Melania complicit, by threatening to take Barron?

How has GOP gone from “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall” to holding children hostage to build our own wall?

To be fair, given his relations with most of his own children, maybe Trump convinced himself he was almost doing parents a favor by taking their kids away.



So if an immigrant girl is raped at a detention center and gets pregnant, assume Trump and GOP will force her to have the baby so they can deport it?

While Manafort sits in jail, Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski clearly is making a strong pitch for Trump to adopt him.

The gaslighting begins again from #FoxNews “President backs House immigration bills that ‘solve’ family separation crisis, WH says after GOP meeting
What happened to “you break it you bought it?”

So if this family separation nightmare finally ends assume @realDonaldTrump will take all the credit and blame Democrats for causing it. And Fox News will agree with him.

Fox News saying Trump trying to solve the immigration crisis is like saying arsonist has shown up at the scene of a 5-alarm blaze with a bucket.

Trump and GOP trying to tie reuniting children with parents to a border wall? “Terrorist” – noun – a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Time passages.

June 19, 2018

Red-hot Nationals rookie Juan Soto debuted on May 20. Today in continuation of a May 15 interleague game against NY, he hit a 2 run game winning homer. So the hit and RBI count before his actual first game..AND against the Yankees?!   Amazed MLB didn’t somehow disallow it.

For baseball fans, remember there are many players, including stars, Puig, Chapman, Cespedes, Abreu -, who fled Cuba like these immigrant families are doing and were given asylum. If they couldn’t play baseball they too would have been arrested and separated from children. –

Nine leads lost for SF Giants against Marlins in 5 games. But who’s counting?

ESPN reports FIFA opened disciplinary proceedings against Mexico for alleged anti-gay chants by fans during World Cup win over Germany.
Was this an attempt by Mexico to curry favor with Trump and GOP?


I disliked Rudy Guiliani  less when all his sentences were just “a noun, a verb, and 9-11.”

On a lighter note, not a serious soccer fan but when is the Queen going to knight Harry Kane?


Can someone tell @realDonaldTrump we already have a #SpaceForce and it’s led by Michael Jordan?

Who’d a thunk we’d miss Reagan’s “Star Wars?

1962 -“We choose to go to the Moon in this decade & do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard…”
2018 “In defending America, it is not enough to merely have an American presence in space, we must have American dominance in space,”

How long until the only made-in-China products that Trump doesn’t slap tariffs on are clothes made by him and Ivanka?

“Boarder security?” Is Trump ranting about AirBnb now?

Ann Coulter is not doing a very good acting job in pretending to be a human being.

Trump continues to rant on MS-13 gangs, but if Central and South American families flee from those gangs he puts them in jail and separates the children..


As awful as separating children from parents is, almost have to wonder with Trump, does he think this is distracting us from something worse?

I know some “progressive” Dems aren’t thrilled with Senator Feinsteinn, but she IS the one who introduced legislation to prevent DHS from taking children from their parents at the border. And now all other Dems have signed on. Well played, Dianne

Uno a nada

June 17, 2018

Mexico beat Germany in World Cup.  Maybe Trump will now think he can get Angela Merkel to pay for the wall?

SF Giants looked REALLY wrong in blue Father’s Day hats down in Los Angeles.  Until they won a game by scoring 4 runs, more than they’ve scored in one game in a couple years at Dodger stadium.  So maybe they can keep the caps… #Priorities

Considering that US Open champion Brooks  Koepka ended up 1 over par, seems like the real winner this weekend was the Shinnecock Hills golf course.

So after Yankees’ Tanaka gets injured running bases suddenly MLB wants to make both leagues use the DH?  By that token since a line drive broke Bumgarner’s hand, baseball should forbid pitchers from fielding.


Lord Ivar Mountbatten, Queen Elizabeth’s third-cousin was the first member of the Royal Family to have a gay wedding this weekend.  Unless you count Elton John.  God Save the Queen.

Maybe reason @realDonaldTrump doesn’t care much about #FathersDay is that it reminds him he can’t date Ivanka?

To the media. Here are 2 simple words you’ve forgotten with Trump administration: “Lie” – noun or verb. “Liar” – one who lies.
These words also take up less newsprint & airtime than euphemisms. You’re welcome.

Kellyanne Conway on taking kids away from parents – “As a mother, as a Catholic, as somebody who has a conscience … I will tell you that nobody likes this policy.”
She lost me at “as somebody who has a conscience.” #WTF?

Steve Bannon, asked about Trump’s repeated lying – “I don’t believe that. I think he speaks in a particular vernacular that connects to people in this country.”
Who does Bannon think he is, a reporter for the NY Times?

Several angry tweets from @realDonaldTrump tonight. Sounds like someone didn’t get two scoops with his #FathersDay dinner.


On a weekend that Susan Collins proved a bitter disappointment, Laura Bush showed more gumption than any of her elected male relatives.


So gangs like MS-13 are the worst monsters who go after children. But if Latin American parents agree and flee their countries, USA must take children away. #TheGospelAccordingToTrump

We are all Phil

June 16, 2018

This isn’t a #USOpen, it’s the golf version of #Survivor.


Anyone but me think the way Shinnecock Hills played today that most pro-golfers are secretly cheering Phil Mickelson? #USOpen

UNC beat Oregon State 8-6 today in 4 hrs & 24 min, longest game in College World Series history. Who did they think they were? The Yankees & Red Sox?

Has there ever been tournament in recorded history where a golf ball has followed all the yelled instructions to “Get in the hole?”

World Cup shocker – Iceland tied Argentina! Of course for many the shocker is that Iceland had a World Cup team.

A 48-yr-old man pulled over for alleged DUI Thursday allegedly then raised a can of beer and chugged it. Could this have been anywhere else but Florida?


In case you didn’t know – new #LATimes owner is Patrick Soon-Shiong – born in South Africa to immigrant parents who fled from China during Japanese occupation in World War

“My supporters are the smartest, strongest, most hard working and most loyal that we have seen in our countries history. ”
Uh, it’s “country’s….”

Amazing to think for millions of Americans that using profanity towards Trump & his family is now more offensive than taking young children away from their families. #AreWeGreatYet?


In honor of #FathersDay how many fathers will @realDonaldTrump separate from their children?


Although perhaps for Father’s Day someone will remind Trump before he tweets how many children he has?

White House conversation this week? “Let’s see, angering all our allies may not have been enough to seriously damage US reputation in the world. I know, let’s try defending taking children from parents.”

Guess I understand why #GOP senators running for re-election might be too cowardly to challenge Trump on separating families.
But those who are retiring? What would it take for a sense of decency?

So how long until it comes out that someone in Trump family is making big $$$ off of policy of separating families? Trump factories to employ the children? Trump-branded food? Trump tents?


June 16, 2018

Another reason to hate Trump, as a Spurs fan I miss the days when the most upsetting news of the day would be the rumor that Kawhi Leonard might want to play in Los Angeles.


Can anyone explain to me how Austin Jackson at end of his career can seriously be better 2018 option than Steven Duggar at beginning of his?#SFGiants

When SF Giants are in a hole in centerfield, maybe time to start Duggaring?

Not a golfer but if only one  or two players  is under par, maybe it really isn’t “par?”#USOpen

Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes indicted on federal criminal wire fraud charges after stepping down as CEO of company. If Holmes can avoid prison she’s attractive & disingenuous enough her next job could be at Fox News.

A tow truck at Frankfurt Airport caught fire while pulling a Lufthansa Airbus, damaging the plane so badly it may be unrepairable. What’s Germany for #WannaGetAway?

Scott Pruitt now moving to replace an Obama WOTUS (Waters Of The US) rule that protects drinking water for 117 million Americans. Let them drink Perrier?

Trump reportedly threatened Japanese PM Shinzo Abe he’d send “25 million Mexicans” to Japan during a discussion on immigration.
How? On Trump Air? No wait, they’re out of business…

Manafort has been sent to jail. Such a harsh punishment for being Trump’s covfefe boy.

Trump this morning “Manafort has nothing to do with our campaign,”
Right, that’s why he had the title “Campaign Manager.” #WTF?

Trump on Comey Friday morning “What he did was a terrible thing to the people.” Uh, yes, he helped you get elected.

Mitch McConnell says Mueller investigation, which started in May 2017 has “gone on too long.”
The Benghzai investigations lasted over two and a half years.

How long until Trump administration stops a pregnant migrant woman from having an abortion and then takes her baby away when it’s born?

Trump on Kim Jong Un “He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”
Trump later said he was joking. Two words. Yeah. Right.



I miss slow news days.

June 14, 2018

Tiger Woods made a triple-bogey on his first hole today. Does this mean ESPN is likely to give up this weekend’s #USOpen coverage?

ESPN headline “How the Lakers can land LeBron, Kawhi and Paul George.”
I think I like “How Tiger can win this year’s U.S. Open” better.

Scott Gregory today with 92 became 1st player in 16 years to shoot over 90 in first round of US Open. Well that’s one way to get Tiger out of the headlines.


Ty Blach is my new pitching hero. 6.2 innings- in 15 inning win for Giants.   And this following Dereck Rodriguez’s 6.2 innings as starter. Two quality starts in one game. More than SF Giants have had in a week.

Those of us who are superstitious might be upset at Duane Kuiper, who when SF Giants  were up 3-0 early in game suggested that 12n start in Miami meant team would get into LA after cross-country flight relatively early.

As a public service, could Netflix offer free streaming of the movie “Gaslight?” And fast?!

All this  supposed Trump focus on the parents of Korean War soldiers. But what about the forgotten victims of the Bowling Green Massacre?

So Sarah Sanders and Jeff Sessions are using the BIBLE as justification for taking babies from their parents? Uh, don’t think this is what Jesus meant by “suffer the little children.” #WTF?


Angel to Joseph “Get up, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. … (Matthew 2:13).
So Sessions and Sanders are saying #Bible said Egyptians should have taken Jesus from his parents.


Remember, anyone who only watches Fox News is not hearing about children taken away from their parents. Fox is focused on Hillary’s emails, and “bombshell” IG report.
Why it’s so important to politely get out of our echo chambers and engage.

Lewis Black nursery rhyme last night on @TheDailyShow
“Hickory dickory dock, Dear congress stop sucking the NRAs c*ck”
But guessing there won’t be major GOP outrage: A woman comic didn’t say it.

Finally don’t think Trump gutting Obamacare affects you? One ACA provision said preventive care – mammograms, colonoscopies, blood tests etc, must be covered with no deductible. Even for those with employer-paid insurance
But I’m sure insurers won’t start charging again…

Not our problem…

June 13, 2018

Washington Post says most Washington Capitals players would visit White House if invited. Maybe because most of them aren’t American.

SF Giants manage to blow 3 leads in one game. 7 leads in series against Miami. Maybe pitchers can’t concentrate in empty stadiums?

Is it a rule that any time an #SFGiants pitcher walks the leadoff runner they have to score?

Cincinnati Reds have taken a dispute to Ohio Supreme Court over whether team should pay tax on bobbleheads given to fans attending games.   Giveaways are subject to sales tax but Reds claim don’t have to pay additional tax because they resell the promotional items as part of the ticket package. Heck, with this year’s team the bobbleheads probably have more value than the game.

That moment in history when #MPRaccoon has more courage than any member of the GOP in Congress.


Good thing #mprraccoon didn’t try to scale the White House. Trump would have probably had it shot as undocumented

All this talk that #KatieArrington won because she supported Trump. Uh, maybe she won because even conservative GOP women finally had a viable alternative to Mr. Appalachian Trail? #SouthCarolina

All those people who risked their lives to escape East Germany with Berlin Wall now have to be thanking God someone like Trump wasn’t in charge.

All the past studies of “confirmation bias” pale in comparison to reality of MAGAers being convinced Trump is on their side and actually Making America Great Again.

So how punch-drunk do you have to be to tweet an identical insult about Robert DeNiro twice in 24 hours? Asking for a country.

Of course there’s no chance that Trump White House started fake #SarahSanders resignation story to distract from #MichaelCohen about to be arrested & #PaulManafort about to go to jail….

Trump pressed by Fox’s Brett Baier on about Kim Jong Un “He has done some really bad things.”
“Yeah, but so have a lot of other people have done some really bad things.” Who’d a thunk we’d miss “kindler gentler nation?”

Beginning to think if Hitler offered to let Trump build branded hotels and golf course in Nazi Germany, POTUS & Fox News would try to convince Americans that “he’s a tough guy, a lot of people have done bad things.”


On the eternal question of whether higher salaries would get Americans to do jobs now taken by undocumented workers…. some years ago was in Costa Rica touring a Dole banana plant.
It was mostly outdoors, efficient and fascinating. Someone asked, how’s the pay? Our young tour guide laughed and said, pretty good, very good actually, but no Costa Rican wants to do this all day. So all these workers are illegal Nicaraguans….

Questions, questions…

June 12, 2018

So Warriors have their third championship parade in four years.  Will the team that can finally take the parade from Oakland be the Golden State executive staff that decided to move the team to a fancy expensive arena in San Francisco.

Meanwhile Tim Duncan apparently flying to New York for dinner with Gregg Popovich and maybe another person…   The king’s the thing?



Andrew Luck said he “absolutely” will be playing Colts opening game against Bengals. And if Indy’s O-line isn’t much better, he stands a good chance of being injured by game two.

Trump about Kim Jong Un. “His country does love him. His people, you see the fervor. They have a great fervor.”
Maybe because those who don’t show love and fervor are dead?


Looks like Katie Arrington will win South Carolina primary.   But tweet from Trump supporting her over Sanford less than 3 hours before polls closed was like supporting Warriors over Cavs with 3-0 NBA Finals lead.

Fox News “Pro-Trump firebrand Corey Stewart wins Virginia Senate primary.”
Is “Pro-Trump firebrand” the new Fox term for “white supremacist?

Why would a President who regularly backs out of deals that predecessors and even he himself has signed expect that Kim Jong Un would do anything different?

Five primaries today. Meanwhile, in San Francisco they ONLY have 17,000 ballots to count to decide will be mayor. Imagine how long it would take if the city weren’t such a high-tech hub.

So Judith Nathan, the wife sleeping with Giuliani while he was married to Donna Hanover, is now complaining Rudy was having an affair during end of THEIR marriage. @TheOnion is going, we give up.

So @POTUS “trusts” Kim Jong Un but thinks “there’s a special place in hell for Justin Trudeau. Beam me up Scotty…

Seriously have to wonder, is there ANYTHING Trump could do or anyone he could befriend & MAGAers would criticize him for it?

Question of the night – anybody but me having a hard time understanding why ANY woman would want to sleep with Rudy Guiliani?

And then…  anyone but me think on occasion that if the South wants to secede again US should let them go? And even/especially give them dibs on POTUS?

Parade time…

June 11, 2018

Both NBA and NHL championship parades on the same day. Well, that’s something that will never happen in New York City.

So SF Giants put journeyman pitcher Derek Holland against NL East leading Nationals and  probable future Hall of Famer Max Scherzer and win 2-0.   Then they put Madison Bumgarner against the lowly Marlins and  Miami pitcherWei-Yin Chen with an ERA over 5, and lose 5-7.  Baseball is a funny game.

Thanks to Steve Chapman for this comment last night – ‘Justify turned down an invitation to the White House.

When asked why, the Triple Crown winner said “If I wanted to see a horse’s ass I would have finished second.”


IHOP to IHOB. Because one thing America doesn’t have is enough burger restaurants?

Jeff Sessions just said that domestic abuse is not reason enough to seek asylum in US. Heck, it’s not even reason enough to be fired from the White House.

And across American millions of straight men are actually telling their wives and girlfriends “We pre-empted #TheBachelorette for his?” #SingaporeSummit

Love may made, but the internet is forever.

Maybe after this week US can borrow the title for our dollar coins from Canada – “loonies.”

Hmm, maybe that’s the future Trump coin?

Bus to hell time.  Maybe God is a #JustinTrudeau fan?  #LarryKudlow

After G-7 POTUS apparently will ALSO leave North Korea summit early. Guess we shouldn’t be surprised, we knew Trump finishes faster than average from Stormy Daniels.


So all MAGAers thrilled Trump has arranged a meeting with dictator who’s been wanting to be legitimized with a summit for years…
Can see why GOP is afraid of education, it causes Democrats.