Archive for July 25, 2018

Checked out

July 25, 2018

Yoenis Cespedes will have surgery on his heels and miss the remainder of the 2018 season. Making him luckier than Mets fans.

Marc Ragovin – “In a move to attract fans given their dismal record, the NY Mets have just announced Bubonic Plague Vaccination Night Fridays.”

Jerry Jones says Dallas will require players to stand for anthem, not remain in locker room. As if we didn’t already have enough reason to hate the Cowboys.

So just wondering, will Cowboys owner Jerry Jones close down all the concession stands at AT&T Stadium during the National Anthem? $$$$$$$


Kevin Durant on Donald Trump “He doesn’t have a soul, bro,” he doesn’t have a soul. The stuff he says and does, bro. Like, you gotta have something deep down … Something’s missing for you to say that type of stuff.”

Just guessing it’s going to be at least until 2021 until ANY NBA team visits the White House.

Vince Carter has re-upped for his 21st year with the Hawks. Your turn, Manu  Ginobili   #GoSpursGo

Larry Nassar alleges he was assaulted in prison.
“I feel so sorry for him,” said absolutely, positively nobody.

Just when you think you’ve heard them all, United flight delayed from LAX because “a piece of luggage got sucked into the right engine.”
Wonder if they’ll refund the checked bag fee?

FoxNews reports Trump saying HE’s delaying meeting Putin again until 2019 after ‘Russia witch hunt is over”
That’s like your prom date backing out and announcing you decided to ask her to next year’s dance instead

Trump says US and EU have agreed to work toward “zero tariffs.” Dibs on “less than 48 hours” in the pool on when he says the complete opposite.

Trump tweets about “hosting the first-ever #IRFMinisterial. The U.S. will continue to promote #ReligiousFreedom around the world.”
Of course, if you’re Muslim, your religious freedom stops at US border. #WTF?

So POTUS who’d run into a school to face an armed killer is afraid to face an unarmed CNN woman reporter….

“What kind of lawyer would tape a client?”
The kind of lawyer who doesn’t trust his client, for starters. @realDonaldTrump

Trump didn’t create racists in America. He just empowered them.

Seattle covfefe?

July 25, 2018

And didn’t we all have the Giants beating the Mariners because of Kelby Tomlinson’s great night at the plate, a Hunter Pence home run  and Pablo Sandoval’s speed rushing Seattle’s Dee Gordon into an error.

To Casablanca fans…. Prodigal Panda this year, paid by the Red Sox, is doing a nice version for SF Giants fans of “We’ll always have 2012 and 2014.”

Seriously,  Pablo destroyed Verlander in game one in 2012, and then caught the final out in 2014.  Then tried to burn bridges. But they’re rebuilt now.  And it’s a good thing.


And airlines wonder why we hate them… United discount fare SF to Newark in October, $342 roundtrip. Adding 4 inches of legroom same seat,  $291 roundtrip additional. No joke.

So wonder how many MAGA farmers who rail against welfare & social services will do principled thing and turn down money from Trump’s $12 billion bailout?

“Tariffs are the greatest,” and “as simple as that.” Well, it’s not like @realDonaldTrump was an Economics major or anything. Wait, never mind.

Groucho Marx “Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?”
@realDonaldTrump “Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes AND ears?”

Too bad for workers who will be laid off since Ivanka’s clothing company is shutting down. At least most of them are in China.

The #MAGA world according to Trump? “We become strong, I feel, when we have no friends upon whom to lean, or to look to for moral guidance.”
Benito Mussolini.


My new hero. BBC’s #EmilyMaitlis to Sean Spicer “You played with the truth, you led us down a dangerous path. You have corrupted discourse for the entire world by going along with these lies.”


From a pizza deliveryman to a daughter-in-law…. Guessing almost all of us, including Trump voters, know and respect someone undocumented. Immigration issues are not easy.

Finally, If #NiaWilson had been white and her killer an immigrant, Trump would already be eulogizing her tonight. Seriously. And if you don’t know the story google it. Please.