Archive for July 23, 2018

Too many.

July 23, 2018

Just how drunk was Iowa DT Brady Reiff? He was arrested and charged with public intoxication this weekend after he tried to get into a vehicle that WASN’T his Uber ride. It was a police car.

I miss the days when #ALLCAPS was trending because of a great hockey team. @Capitals

To be fair, @realDonaldTrump isn’t a hockey fan, so maybe he heard people cheering #ALLCAPS earlier this year and figured it was a winning strategy.

Tim Tebow broke a bone in his hand. So for this season at least he has to put aside his dreams of making the big leagues. Or even the #Mets

Up in the CFL, Johnny Manziel has been traded to the Montreal Alouettes.  And we thought poutine was Montreal’s biggest hot mess.

Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte was suspended for a year for doing an illegal IV containing vitamins.  How did the authorities find out?  He POSTED a picture of himself doing it on Instagram.

Proving again, that athletic ability and brains don’t correlate.  #CantFixStupid

Nikki Haley today in an interview with CBS News,  “We don’t trust Russia, we don’t trust Putin, we never will.  They’re never going to be our friend. That’s just a fact.”

Two words  – “She’s running.”

(and move her up in Trump firing bingo.)

Sarah Sanders, defending Trump’s idea of taking security clearances said officials “have politicized and in some cases monetized their public service”
Did they come up with that strategy at DC’s Trump hotel?

Has someone told the Stable Genius that access to Twitter has been blocked since 2008 in Iran?

Just got a fundraising email from “Lara Trump, Senior Advisor, Donald J. Trump for President, 2020
“Senior Advisor?! Does she have a security clearance too?

If any of us had an elderly parent tweeting like @realDonaldTrump this am, we’d be looking around for a good assisted-living home.



As we get closer to November, can Democratic voters please remember – save the litmus tests for determining acidity or alkalinity. #VOTE #GOTV


July 23, 2018

NY Mets and Yankees rained out tonight for @ESPN Sunday Night Baseball. What a disappointment for Yankees fans who will now have to wait TWO WHOLE weeks to see their team on Sunday night again.

When you can’t tell if it’s a joke or another “That’s so Mets” thing. Reportedly Noah Syndergaard now on the DL with hand, foot and mouth disease.


At least the SF Giants don’t have to take that stupid Bay Bridge Series trophy home.


Rider in Tour de France was expelled after he was seen throwing a punch at rider from another team. Not sure about sportsmanship but if this catches on Tour de France ratings could double.

Georgia Southern University student blames autocorrect for a racial text about a future roommate, saying she meant to type “triggerish.”
Right, like autocorrect on your phone will ever result in something MORE offensive. Mine repeatedly tried to say SF Giants were “ducking” instead of sucking today.


Wonder if Trump spent more time alone with Putin this month than he’s spent alone with Melania?


Comey telling Dems what to do in future elections is like going into Pottery Barn, knocking something off the shelf, then telling the staff how to glue it together. #YouBreakItYouBuyIt


If @realDonaldTrump thinks a meeting & some commemorative coins will get him Nobel Peace Prize, makes sense he’ll think all caps will solve an Iran threat.

From a Washington Post article on Trump supporters in Alabama. One complaining about “the racial divide,” which she believed was getting worse. “The evidence was all the black people protesting about the police, and all the talk about the legacy of slavery, which Sheila never believed was as bad as people said it was. “Slaves were valued,” she said. “They got housing. They got fed. They got medical care.””
Sheila is a Sunday School teacher.

I remember those “We survived Clinton you will survive Bush” and “We survived Bush, you will survive Obama” t-shirts.
Now it’s “We survived Obama, and not sure if we WILL survive Trump.”