Archive for July 7, 2018

Semi wins?

July 7, 2018

Waiting for Putin to declare that Russia won in the World Cup Electoral College.

Croatia on to World Cup semis. Probably not a good idea for the team to go out for a congratulatory tea tonight.

Not that @realDonaldTrump was watching World Cup.  But the tying goal for Russia late in extra-time was scored by Mario Fernandes  Latin American immigrant.


Watch Croatia goalie play much of a World Cup quarterfinal on one leg and a bad hamstring. Kind of puts more than a few on MLB’s DL to shame.

Arizona Diamondbacks scored 11 runs in first 3 innings against SD Padres Saturday night.  SF Giants  have scored 10 runs in last 5 games.

At what point does Giants offense show up on milk cartons?

According to GOP & Trump it’s worse locker room behavior for NFL players simply to stay there during anthem than for men to be there sexually assaulting college students or talking about sexually assaulting women.


So yeah, an all NATO World Cup Final Four. In Russia.

Amazing how thrice-married man sleeping with both a porn star and Playboy bunny (at least) during his current marriage is so obsessed with “FBI Lovers.”

At this point there’s enough evidence against Jim Jordan he’d be forced to resign even if he were a top football coach.


Judging by Republican reaction to #JimJordan, it wouldn’t have taken long for Roy Moore to be accepted by GOP Congress.

North Korea called out United States for “gangster-like mindset.”
That moment when a murderous dictatorship speaks more honestly than most of the US media.

Offered a lucrative endorsement contract for Ritz Carlton body lotion   #ReasonsScottPruittResigned


So over-under on how long it will take Trump to attack Bill Frist?


Dershowitz claims he is being treated worse for defending Trump than he was for defending O.J. Simpson. Well, O.J. only permanently separated two children from their mother.

Cruel and unusual

July 7, 2018

Jenrry Mejia has been reinstated by MLB two years after being given a lifetime ban for PEDs. Because playing for the #Mets is punishment enough?

Tonight SF Giants scored more runs than any World Cup team scored goals.   Which would be more fun to write if it weren’t the first time all week.

And well, the World Cup is now down to the “Northern Hemisphere” Cup.

Who’s more nervous at time of writing this post?  Players for England, Sweden, Russian and Croatia?  Or refs who are calculating odds of calling penalty kicks against Russia and getting out of Moscow alive?

Who knew that a former assistant wrestling coach at OSU might end up more universally hated than Urban Meyer?


Jim Jordan now on his part in Ohio State wrestling doctor scandal – “conversations in a locker room are a lot different than allegations of abuse or reported abuse.”
In other words, it’s not sexual assault when it’s “locker room banter?’


Let’s put it a different way, if Ohio State allegations of ignoring sexual abuse were against ANY Democrat in Congress, GOP would be calling for immediate imprisonment after resignation.

Seriously at this point how racist AND stupid do you have to be to act out in public in a world where everyone is armed with a cellphone?

Not condoning hat stealing and drink tossing, but FELONY THEFT charges for guy who took teen’s MAGA hat & threw a soda at him?
In Texas the charges might be less if he shot a gun to scare the kid.

Trump says he can’t find US workers at Mar-A-Lago. He is paying $12-13 an hour. Why not try $15 an hour to prove we don’t need immigrants?

And heck, according to a quick search, the local Hilton is paying $16 an hour, with probably benefits.

So Trumpbaby has scared Trump out of visiting London. California wants to know, can we borrow or build one?


Two questions. 1. Does Donald Trump even know who Curtis Hill is? 2. How long until Trump claims he believes Indiana’s Attorney General?