Archive for July 21, 2018

Plus ca change…

July 21, 2018

So after MLB commissioner Manfred complains Mike Trout isn’t marketing himself, Fox Game of the Week is Cardinals vs. Cubs, followed by ESPN Sunday Night Baseball Mets vs. Yankees.

Sign at Coliseum exit off Highway 880. “Today’s game is sold out.”. A’s fans are going ” What’s a sellout? ” #sfgiants #Athletics

Mets trade closer Jeurys Familia to A’s. Well, not as if they were giving him many games to close.

And regarding this “Bay Bridge Series” trophy – can both teams make a pact? #Justsayno

Tim Tebow put on DL for Binghamton AA team with a  hand injury.

So what’s worse – for the AA team who were counting on him being able to sell tickets?  Or the Mets who were hoping for that September attendance boosting call up?

On the other hand, given the thousands of people who were stuck in traffic and  almost certainly missed the first few innings, have to figure at least folks in Oakland finally know what it’s like to be Dodgers fans.

Madison Bumgarner for first time in 90 starts can’t make it through five innings….giving up 3 runs on 2 hits  Four walks.  On the other hand,  All-Star Jon Lester against the Cardinals Thurday  – 8 earned runs, 5 walks in 3 innings.  Everything is relative.

And baseball is a funny game.


Mueller has subpoenaed a Madam. Well, not as if we think @realDonaldTrump would ever patronize a brothel. And if he did he would CERTAINLY have paid all his bills….

Anyone else notice that about EVERY Trump endorsement tweet has basically the same phrase “very strong on Crime and Borders, LOVES our Military, Vets and the 2nd Amendment.”
Well, dementia patients do tend to repeat themselves.

Remember when Gerald Ford lost an election by saying “there is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe?”
And now @POTUS trying to say the same about Russia and the US…

We know without reading story that if Trump is tweeting about it suspect in Los Angeles Trader Joe’s hostage situation wasn’t a white man.

Over 62,000,000 Americans voted for Trump in 2016
Over 106,000,000 eligible voters didn’t vote at all.
Why are we banging our heads against the wall trying to convince the former group? #GOTV