Archive for July 19, 2018

Kneed off.

July 19, 2018

Miami Dolphins could suspend players up to 4 games for kneeling during the anthem. Open note to PED users, if you know you’re going to be tested, kneel & take the same 4 game suspension without the drug taint on your record. @NFL

Carmelo Anthony has been sent to Atlanta. So while we can’t yet cure cancer, apparently it can be traded.

Carmelo Anthony rumored to be signing eventually with Houston Rockets. Which is great news, for the Warriors, Lakers and Spurs.

MLB commissioner Rob Manfred says Mike Trout would be a bigger star if he marketed himself. What about if ESPN & Fox showed other teams beside the Yankees, Red Sox and Cubs?

Meanwhile, while most teams continue their All-Star break, MLB has scheduled ONE game, on ESPN for July 19. Surprise surprise surprise… it’s the Cardinals vs. Cubs.

-And the next three Sunday Night baseball games:
July 22 – Mets at Yankees
July 29 – Cubs at Cardinals
Aug 5 – Yankees at Red Sox

Dibs on “less than 2 weeks” for the “how long Dan Coats lasts in this White House” pool.

Why do we say GOP is prostituting themselves over Trump/Russia collusion? Prostitutes provide value when they get money for screwing people.

If Larry Nassar had run for office as a Republican, most of GOP would be saying all those girls were lying too. #sistersurvivors
Nice that Jeff Flake made speech calling @realDonaldTrump out. If only the Senator could do something, like you know, vote against him sometime.

Kirstjen Nielsen was partly right correct on Charlottesville that it wasn’t as if “one side was right and the other side was wrong.”. It was that one side was right and the other was very VERY wrong.

Does anyone think Trump was surprised when they told him about Russian interference in the election. He trusts his BFF Vlad to keep his promises.


So when @realDonaldTrump invites Putin to USA will also he take Vlad target shooting for pedestrians on New York’s 5th Avenue?

Trump has invited Putin to Washington DC this fall. Well, yes, Vlad wants to see what he’s purchased.