Archive for July 17, 2018

Love may fade, but the internet is forever.

July 17, 2018

Josh Hader, 24, says he plans to apologize to teammates for his just discovered racist & homophobic (mostly) teenage tweets. ‘No excuses. I was dumb and stupid.”
Give the guy credit for not claiming someone hacked his account.


Two days left in MLB All-Star Break. Plenty of time for a lot of players to clean up their old Twitter accounts.

On a brighter note for Josh Hader, he’s now the MLB player most likely to be invited to the Trump White House.

So a World Series title wasn’t enough? Some @Cubs fans are claiming Bryce Harper cheated in the Home Run Derby by having his dad toss pitches before the prior balls hit the ground. I don’t care, do u?

MGM Resorts International sues more than 1,000 victims from Las Vegas mass shooting, denying any liability.  And then they’ll change their name to something more popular – like Trump Hotels?

Secret Service agent who suffered stroke while protecting @realDonaldTrump at his Turnberry Golf Club has died. So nice to see @POTUS acknowledging his service & loss to his family.
Oh wait, crickets, just tweets slamming Dems and “Fake News Media.” #WTF?

To say that Donald Trump caved to Putin yesterday implies Trump wasn’t working for him all along.

Media really should apologize for calling Trump #PutinsPoodle. To owners of poodles.

Kimberly Guilfoyle on new boyfriend Donny Jr. “the number one up-and-coming political figure on the right.”
Guess they don’t do drug testing at Fox News?

And we thought Reagan was showing signs of dementia in the White House.

Trump tweet “The meeting between President Putin and myself was a great success, except in the Fake News Media!”
Translation “Who you going to believe, me or your lying eyes, and ears?”

For all the accusations that liberals think Trump voters are stupid, after “would/wouldn’t” today it seems obvious that TRUMP thinks his voters are stupid.

At this point think if Putin released a pee tape Trumpsters would praise @POTUS for helping aspiring actresses.

Maybe we should give @realDonaldTrump some credit for saying he confused “would” and #wouldnt in his press conference with Putin. Don’t we all get a little tongue-tied in front of our boss?

Trump asked about Russia on Fox News “I don’t want to use the word ‘adversary.” But media is the “enemy of the people.”



“”Frankly my dear, I give a damn.”  “We’ll always not have Paris.”   “I’m going to make him an offer he can refuse.”  #TrumpAQuote