Archive for July 16, 2018

Going going gone?

July 16, 2018

Bryce Harper is good at baseball.

I do miss the days when for many of us in SF Bay Area our biggest worry this morning would have been ‘What happened to the SF Giants offense?”

At least Trump was too jet-lagged or uninterested to show up and disrupt MLB’s Home Run Derby.   #smallmercies


What’s worse. Kneeling for the national anthem? Or kneeling in front of Vladimir Putin. Asking for a country.

I know Americans are upset, but we need to put this in perspective, while meeting Putin, Barack  Obama might have worn a tan suit.

As a collector of Russian lacquer boxes that all show fairy tale scenes, want to know, where’s the commemorative box for this morning’s Trump-Putin press conference?

The world according to @realDonaldTrump
Democracies – Bad
Dictatorships – Good

Trump “I don’t see any reason why it would be” Russia who attacked the US. So he’s either a treasonous liar, or it was time for the 25th amendment yesterday.

So really, why should a US President take the word of ALL US intelligence agencies over a nice guy like Vladimir Putin?

We are all #RandPaul‘s neighbor.

At this point have to assume if Donald Trump stood up and said “Of course Putin helped me win and he’s promised to do it again,” many Trump supporters would applaud and say “As he should.”

Must. Not. Make. Chris. Christie. Jokes. The London Trump baby blimp is headed to New Jersey

We need ONE GOP Senator who is not retiring to put country over party. The history books are waiting. And yes, I might be talking to you @lisamurkowski or @marcorubio



Trump tells Hannity “Mueller probe has driven ‘wedge’ between Russia and US.”
Right, that’s like claiming your spouse discovering affair drove a wedge between you & your lover.


Just a thought, if #TreasonSummit DOES turn out to be that proverbial breaking straw can we be nice to Trump supporters who change their minds. At least for a little while. Plenty of time to start fighting again later.#Countryoverparty.

Moving on

July 16, 2018

The World Cup is over. So most Americans can get back to ignoring soccer again.

Brazil is already the favorite for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. What are the odds the 2022 World Cup HAPPENS in Qatar.

Congratulation to France on their World Cup win. But 4-2? Was the ball juiced?

Washingon Nationals, who fired Dusty Baker last fall, lose 2-3 of to Mets and limp into the All-Star break at.  500. Once again people don’t appreciate how good a black leader was until he’s gone.

Cardinals Manager Mike Matheny fired for being 1 game over .500. Mets fans wonder if he was fired for overachieving.

New slogan? “Call Papa John’s, don’t slave over a hot stove.”   #Bustohell

So latest video of someone calling cops on a street vendor has gone viral & resulted in #PermitBetty losing her job.
Amazing, not that people can be a**holes, but that some haven’t figured out everyone else has a cellphone camera.

It’s costing over $6,000,000 for security for Trump’s visit to Scotland. So he can play golf and promote his failing Turnberry resort. Well, this ought to make the place even MORE attractive to locals….

Scottish police are looking for paraglider who flew over Turnberry with a “Trump Well Below Par #Resist” sign. No doubt Scottish people will then be looking for him too, to pay for legal expenses.

William and Charles refused to meet with Trump at Windsor Castle. So IF Trump outlives Queen Elizabeth, will he refer to one of them as #FakeKing?

As Trump praises Kim Jong Un & publicly says of Putin “maybe he’ll be a friend,” this headline from Fox News this am. “Trump slams ‘difficult’ European Union on trade, calls 28-nation bloc ‘a foe’ of US.”
State TV at it’s finest.

The Capital Gazette murders were less than three weeks ago, and @realDonaldTrump is tweeting “our news media is indeed the enemy of the people….”

Trump tweet “Received many calls from leaders of NATO countries thanking me for helping to bring them together and to get them focused on financial obligations, both present & future. ”

Calls from NATO leaders, or the voices in his head?

So where are the commemorative coins for the #TreasonSummit

TC can’t wait for Trump to tell Putin “that he was a big fan of John Lenin and The Beatles.”

Marc Ragovin  – “New Country Motto: “Thailand. Where We Reunite Children With Their Parents”