Archive for July 14, 2018

You Go Girl.

July 14, 2018

Serena Williams almost died after giving birth, 10 months later she’s the Wimbledon runner-up. Weaker sex my ass.



Giants ended up scoring 7 runs against As.  But early in the game had to ask, so does a run balked in count as an #SFGiants 2018 offensive explosion?

Chase Utley, 39, is retiring.  “So young?”  responded Jamie Moyer.

This is shaping up to be the most successful witch hunt since Dorothy dropped a house on one and melted another.

Regarding “coincidence” that Russia started hacking DNC emails on same day Trump supposedly joked “Russia, if you’re listening…”
We all should know by now, Trump doesn’t have a sense of humor.

So Jim Jordan, the man accused by at least 11 college wrestlers of looking away while they were abused, is reportedly going after Rosenstein, a fellow Republican, for NOT looking away while our democracy was abused.

Anderson beats Isner in six hour & 36 minute Wimbledon semifinals
Curiously enough, “over six hours,” is probably how long Queen Elizabeth will say her tea with Trump felt like.

The Queen looked happier announcing Charles and Diana’s divorce #TrumpVisitUK

Give @realDonaldTrump credit, even on a week where he goes to a NATO Summit & meets Queen Elizabeth, he still manages to arrange a taxpayer funded weekend of golf.


Trump tweeted “have arrived in Scotland and will be at Trump Turnberry for two days of meetings, calls and hopefully, some golf – my primary form of exercise!
“Hopefully” some golf? Talk about #FakeNews And he uses a cart….

Who says Trump can’t draw a crowd?
