Archive for July 4, 2018

Go fourth!

July 4, 2018

University of Georgia QB Jake Fromm fractured his non-throwing hand this week, apparently in a “freak boating accident.”  Was he washing it at the time?

Can SF Giants talk to the equipment manager who left their bats in Arizona?

MLB teams love to sell game-used Fourth of July equipment.    But SF Giants are going to have a hard time claiming they are “game-used” bats.

Learn something every day. Today I learned from Generation Z-ers that “fireworking” is now a verb. As in “who are you fireworking with tonight?”#FourthofJuly

Joey Chestnut wins #NathansHotDogEatingContest again. But really, this of all years who expected America would lose our supremacy in gluttony.

Somehow  Fox News seems to have missed the story about GOP senators celebrating #FourthofJuly in Russia….. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

PSA – If you start a fire with illegal fireworks please be sure to alert the Fire Dept so they can try to save every other home in your neighborhood first.

When will #SecondCivilWar be available for binge-watching on Netflix?

A woman who slipped and got her leg caught between the platform and a subway train in Boston begged rescuers “Please don’t call the ambulance, it costs too much.”

(She did get taken to the hospital, not by ambulance, where she was treated for a broken leg and cuts.)

Are we great yet?


Wonder if any of the Ohio State abuse actually took place in a pizza parlor?  #Projection


If Larry Nassar had only joined Trump administration we’d be hearing from GOP how all those girls were lying.

I’m sure parents separated from their children feel very sympathetic to Alan Dershowitz being ostracized by many of his summer friends on Martha’s Vineyard

#Happy4thofJuly Can we start spelling it “Democraucy? Because it needs U

So for Trump/Putin Helsinki private meeting assume their invite said “Should you choose to forgo your individual rooms, please use this key to stay as a couple in the Fantasy Suite.”