Loud and louder…

At this point there’s a chance for a U.S. Canada rematch in the Olympic Gold medal hockey game. If that happens the only thing louder than Canada Hockey Place area in Vancouver will be the Norwegian curling team’s pants.

With women’s figure skating Thursday night, and with NBC’s tape delayed strategy on the West Coast, the top skaters didnt finish until around midnight, and the medal ceremony was later. So, Friday, men who work in offices with a number of women will probably find those women are about as useful as many men are during March Madness

A German speedskater who had been an alternate lost out on a chance to compete in the Olympics because he didn’t get a cellphone call. On the brighter side, he may sign a huge endorsement deal with Verizon – “Can you hear me now?”

During a healthcare discussion today, President Obama said to John McCain “the election’s over.” And McCain replied, “Don’t be so sure – they won’t be showing the final results until tonight on NBC.”

Okay, I have nothing against patriotism. But it is amusing to watch Americans celebrating medals in sports where most people in the country couldn’t even describe what the event is…. (Nordic combined, anyone?)

With all the classical and popular music choices, what is it with women figure skaters and Carmen? It’s becoming the equivalent of the beauty pageant contestants’ wish for “World Peace?”

Two male Canadian broadcasters suggested Johnny Weir’s costumes and “body language” set a bad example for boys and male skaters. They also joked he may have to take a gender test. Hmm, another analysis might be that any men who are that obsessed with the appearance of other men might themselves also at least take a sexuality test.

The California Assembly passed a resolution that would establish the first week of March as “Cuss Free Week.” Most Californians, however, would prefer their representatives simply had a week of behaving in a manner where they didn’t make their constituents feel like cussing.

Most Republicans have gotten over their initial anger at newly elected Senator Scott Brown’s decision to support the jobs bill. In fact, when Dick Cheney is fully recovered from his latest heart attack they have suggested he take Brown hunting.

The latest update in the U.S. healthcare wars: In a recent poll, a majority of Americans would oppose a move by the Senate to use a parliamentary procedure called ‘reconciliation.’ Well, yeah, but doesn’t “reconciliation” just conjure an image of an apologetic husband at a podium flanked by an unhappy looking wife?

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